I'm 16, my mother is mad and I'm a murderer- Part 13

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I know I said this is on hold but I couldn't help it... Enjoy! :D -Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes, I haven't had time to edit it but if you spot any, point them out :)


Chapter 19

Hesitantly, I drag my feet against the pavement. Lucy, Amanda and Katie occupy the space beside me, linking arms. I cringe as I remember where we are headed; Craig's party. I've never been the social type. Going to parties is not my thing. 

My heels clap against the ground. Lucy turns over and sees me walking awkwardly in the high heels. She lets out a sympathetic laugh.

"Come, copy how I walk," she says as she gestures for me to move beside her. She steps her foot forward and I imitate it. I begin to feel like an idiot.

"Thanks, I get it now." I shrug her arm off my shoulder. She slides her hair back around her ear and smiles casually. We walk along the long road as I take a look down at my attire. I am wearing a purple short dress with towering heels. I regret wearing this as I am sure I look like a clown. Nonetheless I decide to enjoy myself today.

Once we arrive at Craig's house, he welcomes me with a close hug. 

"Hi, Craig." My voice, unintentionally, seems cold. 

"Whatever has happened in the past few days is forgotten, okay?" He says as he senses the coldness in my voice.

"Sure," I answer. Although I have convinced myself that I am going to enjoy myself now, my mood is an obstacle to this becoming a reality. 

Craig places his hand on the small of my back as Lucy, Katie and Amanda disperse into the crowd. 

"Come on," he whispers as he guides me through the crowd as if I am his prized possession. I hurry my pace to keep up with him.

Out of the blue, three boys stop in front of me. 

"Yo, Craig!" They exclaim, jumping into a hug with Craig. I watch them awkwardly as it's not usual for boys to hug each other. Craig notices my weird stare.

"Aha, Bethany. These are my friends from London," he explains as he pushes one forward. "I haven't seen them in ages." 

One of the guys places a hand forward. I shake his hand. His eyes are dark and mysterious while his hair follows suit.

"Hi, I'm Ricardo," he says in a seductive voice, leaning in close to my ear. My heart skips a beat to the sound of his voice. "This is Lucas and Matt. They don't really need any more introduction- they're not very interesting people!" He laughs. His deeps voice fills the air with humour. I manage to smile. The other two guys with him throw him a soft punch, playfully. 

"Umm, I'll leave you guys to it then," I say, wanting to leave the situation. I hate being the only girl in a group of boys.

"No, no! It's okay, stay," Craig jumps forward in response.

"Yes, stay." Ricardo adds. I stare into his mezmerising eyes, but quickly look away.

"No, I should probably go see what Lucy is up to." 

"Well, okay. I'll be here if you need me. Enjoy the party!" He waves cheerfully as I depart the room.

I look around until I find Lucy and Katie in the kitchen. 

"Hey, how's it going?" Katie asks. 

"Okay," I shrug. It wasn't as fun as I'd expected. "Where's Amanda?" I ask when I notice her absence. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2011 ⏰

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I'm 16, my mother is mad and I am a murderer, problem? -ON HOLD-Where stories live. Discover now