I'm 16, my mother is mad and I'm a murderer- Part 4

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Chapter 6- Jim

"A coffee to go," I say.

The woman at the counter nods and goes off to get my coffee. I put on my gloves, so excited for the day ahead that I can hardly hide my smile. The woman at the counter gives me my coffee and I pay. I stop for a second and stare at her. The urge to completely mutilate her body is almost overwhelming as I struggle to control myself. I just want to see her organs disfigured and mantled. 

"Have a nice day," she says snapping me out of my fantasies. I smile and walk away.

I look at my watch, it is 3:20 pm. I am late for my day's intentions. All the school children will  have left school by now, but I only have one person in mind- Bethany. She has made it easy for me to find out which school she goes to by putting the information on her online profile which dented the excitement of finding out such information slightly. I enjoy uncovering such details myself. 

I hope Bethany is still at school. Maybe she has an after-school club, I tell myself. I hastily rush over to her school building, which I'd already discovered the location of earlier that day. The building looks deserted and I am sure there are no children inside. I can't risk going in and checking in case somebody asks me who I am. I can easily forge my way through but I am not in the mental state for that right now. I just want to put my hands around Bethany's little neck. Just to suffocate her of all life. To empty out her insides. The rain bombarding down from the clouds only makes me more aggravated.

My yearnings get too much. I have to put my hands around somebody's neck. But nobody trusted me enough right now to go back to my apartment. Who would believe me?

The coffee shop lady.

The idea pops into my head as quickly as I am at the shop. Luckily, she is still here.

"Hello sir, what can I get you?" She asks habitually. She can't fathom the desire I have to rip open her intestines. 

"Don't you remember me?" I ask.

"Well, do you remember me?" She blushes. What an idiot, I think.

"You should never answer a question with a question," I say wisely. I come closer to her and it's times like this that I am grateful for my mesmerizing looks. I can tell she can't stop staring into my dark, mysterious eyes. It is the bait for every one of my targets. 

"Haha," she laughs flirtatiously and starts playing with her hair. I just want to dislocate every shred of hair on her head. 

Suddenly, my phone goes off. I look at the number, it is unknown.

"Hello?" I say, suspiciously. 

"Hi Dave.. it's Bethany. I'm in need of your help"...

Chapter 7- Bethany

When I get home from school that day, it is practically one of my nightmares coming to life. I look at the time on my mobile: 3:20pm. The usual time I get home. I stand outside the door, take out my keys and attempt to place it in the key hole.  The keys won't fit in. 

I knock on the door while shouting, "Mother! Open the door please!". There is no answer. I start banging on the door even harder. 

"Mother! Open it now, there's something wrong with my key!" I call out.

Droplets of rain start pounding down. I call out for Mother to open it even louder until my throat becomes sore. I am afraid something happened to Mother. What is going on? What happened to the lock and why is Mother not opening the door? Finally, the light in the corridor comes on. I am glad Mother is safe. 

"Get away from my house." Mother's cold words from the other side of the door hit me hard.

"Mother, just open the door. Stop this nonsense. And what did you do to the lock?" I try to dismiss her usual odd behaviour but something is telling me this time is not like the others.

"I said get away from my house!" 

"Stop this, open the door now!" I kick the door as the rain puts me in an even worse mood.

"Kick as much as you like, you're not entering my house," Mother's relentless, bitter words annoy me.

"It's my house too! Just open the door and let me in. Come on, it's raining out here!" I plead but I know there's no use.

"It's not your house too. You're no longer my daughter. You're one of them," she says. The lights in the corridor switch off again and I know she won't be coming back. I hate this! It was too much. After everything I have done for her, she kicks me out of the house? That makes me snap. I grab a rock and slam it at the door but it was to no avail. The door only makes a loud thud.

I have nowhere to go. My father practically disowned me and I have no friends. I sit on the step outside my door thinking of all the possibilities. Would I have to sleep out here all night? 

I shudder at the thought as I look around at the disastrous weather. I put my hands in my pockets to avoid my hands getting cold. Suddenly, I feel a piece of paper. It has a number on it.


I have no other choice. He is my only hope. With shivering fingers, I take my phone out and dial the number.

"Hello?" I hear a deep, masculine voice.

"Hi Dave.. it's Bethany. I'm in need of your help," I say desperately.

"What's up, babe?" He said. He sounds so comforting.

"Are you busy right now? I sort of need a friend..". My voice trails off at the fact I'm asking a stranger for help. 

"Of course I'm not busy. Anything for you babe!" He says.  His voice almost soothes me.

"Ca-ca-can I meet you somewhere please?" I ask him. My voice stutters as a result of the cold weather, but also slightly because I am afraid he can't meet me. That would mean I'd have to stay out here all night.

"Urm.. sure, babe. I'm at home right now." 

I think that is perfect, because being there will be a step closer to him letting me sleep there.

"Where is it? I can meet you there if it's nearby."

"Sure, if you find it. It's across Victoria tube station where the row of big buildings are. Go to number 70A," he instructs. I am familiar with where Victoria tube station is so I tell him I'll phone if I need any directions.

I can't believe what I am doing, but I have no choice. 

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The photo on the side is a photo of who'd play the character 'Dave/Jim' 

I'm 16, my mother is mad and I am a murderer, problem? -ON HOLD-Where stories live. Discover now