I'm 16, my mother is mad and I'm a murderer- Part 9

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If you're confused reading this, then make sure you read the end of my last part. Some of you might not see I updated that part :) Anywho, enjoy!


Chapter 14

We both sit still, afraid for ourselves for different reasons. I am glad, however that we are on our way to Liverpool to stay with Auntie Pauline. I spoke to her, via the house phone, before we left. She was more than happy to have us stay with her for a while until we find our own place. She told me she works at the local school so she'll get me enrolled there. Mother doesn't look too convinced, on the other hand. I have a feeling it's because she misses Dad. They had been together for seventeen years in that house of ours so I understand how abominable she is feeling. She must be missing everything back home an awful lot. We didn't even have time to tell anyone we were leaving - not that I had any real friends to tell. 

The train comes to a halt. "Liverpool Train Station," the announcement echoes. 

Me and Mother look at each other with contradicting emotions. She holds my hand whilst we both get up and grab our bags. I can't believe this is actually happening. I feel cruel that I used Mother's illness to get what I want. 

We step off the train, stretching our legs. Sitting in the same exact position for a couple of hours really did cause us bone aches. My eyes scour the millions of faces around us in search of Auntie Pauline and her family. She has a seven year old son and a fourteen year old daughter. She is, unfortunately, divorced. 

"There they are!" I hear a young voice say in a strong scouse accent. I turn to the direction of the voice and a see a little pale boy pointing my way, along with Auntie Pauline and Clarissa following behind. I don't know the boy's name as I have never met him,  but I remember the familiar faces of the other two females. 

"Oh, it's so good to see you again Bethany!" Auntie Pauline rushes over to me and suffocates me in a bear hug. 

"Nice to see you too," I say. Her two kids hang around in the background awkwardly, unsure of what to do until Mother goes over and greets them. They smile politely and shuffle around. Auntie Pauline finally releases me and goes over to Mother. They share a real, long, passionate embrace. 

"How have you been, Suzanne? I've missed you," Auntie Pauline says into Mother's shoulder. I can see Mother's eyes tearing. My heart bleeds for them. They haven't seen each other in years. Auntie Pauline always phoned me asking how Mother was, but she was afraid of speaking to Mother directly herself in case she caused her behaviour to kick off. I'm sure this fear rooted from a major childhood memory. 

"I'm scared, Pauline. I'm scared. There are people coming for us. You have to hide us." 

Auntie Pauline shoots a confused look at me, and I reply to her by signalling this is just one of Mother's fantasies. I am glad that I had time to sneak into Mother's room and steal her pills. She never lets me near them, but now I can crush them into her food to stop her kicking off.

"It's all right. Come, let's get you home." I like the fact Auntie Pauline referred to her house as ''home'' for us. It makes me feel more comfortable.

We stroll over to her car whilst making small conversation.  Mother sits at the front with Auntie Pauline. I squish up at the back with my elbow pressing against the window. The beautiful landscapes pardon the horrific images of that basement. The memory is still crystal clear. All of those girls..

The silent journey only lasts twenty minutes because Auntie Pauline lives near the city centre. I look up  at the sky as I step out of the car. The sky looks like a dark canvas painted with stars. The moon sits majestically still as if it owns the sky.

We all walk simultaneously waiting for Auntie Pauline to get her keys. When she finally does, I am amazed at her home. It is a large 4 bedroom house, with modern furnishing. The door looks grand and as I look at all the happy family photos splattering the wall, I feel awe. The house is beautiful. The walls are spotless and all her appliances look brand new. The house in London was nowhere near as great as this one. 

"Clarissa, take up Bethany's suitcase and show her to her room." Clarissa smiles at me, and grabs my suitcase. I am shocked at her obedience; most kids in London didn't behave like this. 

"Come on," she says leading me up the stairs. I follow her up into a small room which looks like they had prepared my arrival pretty well. "Mum's signed you up at the school. You start on Monday. I think you should go to sleep now. It's pretty late. You're probably really tired." I am shocked at Clarissa's respectful stance. She annunciates all the letters in every word even with her strong accent. "Goodnight," she says and walks out of the room with another of her smiles. 

I sit in the silent room aware of my surroundings. There is a small TV in the top corner of the room, and a computer lies under it. The window rests right next to the large bed and the wardrobe is situated directly adjacent to this.

I take the suitcase off my bed and lie down still with my shoes on. 

I think about how I've gotten myself in this situation, forcing Mother to just drop everything she had become accustomed to and leave to this foreign city. She is probably having such a hard time right now. A tear flows down my rosy cheeks. I regret ever getting involved with 'Dave'. Slowly, still with my thoughts pestering me, I fall asleep.

I'm 16, my mother is mad and I am a murderer, problem? -ON HOLD-Where stories live. Discover now