I'm 16, my mother is mad and I'm a murderer- Part 3

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Chapter 5- Bethany.

The following day at school is a blur. I fail to concentrate on my studies; my mind keeps wondering off. I wonder what life would be like with a mediocre mother. I wish I could just have a normal life. I hate having to care for my mother alone. 

Once the bell went proclaiming the end of the school day, I hurry off. I don't want to make any contact with my friend after yesterday's awkward rendezvouz. Once I arrive home, I rush straight up to my room, lock the door and immediately switch on my laptop.

"Bethany? Bethany!" Mother calls from downstairs. 

"Yes, Mother?" I reply.

"I'm safe for another day! They still haven't come for me yet! Hurrah!" Mother begins celebrating.


"Why do you not sound happy for me, Bethany?"

"I am." My short, blunt answers sound everything but happy. 

"No! No you're not! You wanted them to come for me, didn't you?" I remain silent, I have given up playing along. After a few seconds of silence, I hear Mother's footsteps stalking up the stairs. "How dare you live in MY house, yet still side with them? After all I've done for you, you ungrateful little brat!" 

"Mother, I'm not siding with anyone.." I fail to reassure effectively.

The sound of Mother's room door slamming occupies the house. I think Mother has calmed down but I was mistaken. An abrupt smash to my door shocks me. It is Mother. Throwing a hammer into my door continuously. Smash. Smash. Smash.

"What are you doing Mother?! Stop it!" I shriek. 

"No, Beth darling. You think you can betray me and then hide away in your room? Well, you're wrong! What have you been doing in here that you need to lock the door?  Huh? Answer me Goddamnit!" She starts bashing the door even harder. I have no choice but to do what I know Mother liked best.

"Hush little baby don't say a word. Mother's gonna buy you a mocking bird. And if you that mocking bird don't sing, Mother's gonna buy you a diamond ring.." I begin singing. I can see Mother calming down slowly. This song doesn't always work on her, but I am relieved it worked at such a time like now. Mother begins smiling and strolls back downstairs. 

I hate living like this. I have had enough. 

XxBethany: Hey! I need you 

I send a chat message to my always online companion.

-Dave: What's up? X

XxBethany: I just need someone to talk to. Spare me a few mins?

-Dave: Of course, anything for you! X

XxBethany: Thanks!

-Dave: How about I give you my number for you to talk to me instead of chatting online? It may help you feel better X

XxBethany: Well, I'll take your number, but I'd rather just talk online. In case I fall apart, I'd rather you not hear me crying.. 

-Dave: Oh okay! It's 07912345233- phone anytime you need me! X

I note down his number although I doubt I'd ever actually use it. I begin explaining about what happened that evening and as always, Dave offers sympathy.


Sorry if this chapter was a little boring, it's just the build up! Please vote, read, comment and become a fan :)

I'm 16, my mother is mad and I am a murderer, problem? -ON HOLD-Where stories live. Discover now