I'm 16, my mother is mad and I'm a murderer- Part 11

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Chapter 17

'No, no, no,' I mumble. Fear can be heard in my voice. I can't believe what I am seeing. I hope that I misread the email so I read it again, multiple times. But the same words replay in my mind: I know what you did, murderer. Just when I thought I could enjoy my adolescence, this horror pops up on my screen. Who could know? How could anybody know? Nobody saw me that day.. Or so I think.

How do you know?, I begin to type then I realise there is a more important question to ask. I hold onto the backspace button until all the letters clear from my sight. Then I start typing again: Who are you? 

I quickly press the 'Send' button before I lose my bravery and just delete the message in a desperate attempt to ignore it. 

I sigh. How could my life have stooped to this new low? How could I be in this situation? 

'Bing', I hear. 1 new message. My fingers begin to tremble as I move the cursor to open the message. To my surprise, it's from a different email address.

Hey Beth, wanna meet up at the park? I'm bored right now. - Craig x

A sigh of relief escapes my body. I decide to take Craig up on the offer, going out with him might take my mind off things.

Sure, what time? 

A minute later, he replies.


Okay, see you there. 

I find a change of clothes and go into Clarissa's room. She's sitting on her bed, on her laptop. I am surprised about the amount of online connections in this house. She looks up and smiles at me, typically. I ask her the directions to the park and she tells me. She doesn't question why I am going, only when I'll be back. 

I tell Auntie Pauline I am leaving, and go off to the park. When I arrive, I see this 'park' is not really a park. It's more a caged area with a basketball net. I look around and see Craig sitting on the bench. 

He stands up and hugs me to say hi. Although this park is small, it looks as if it is a great place for someone to be hidden in. Anybody could be watching me now, I think. What if the person who sent the email is glaring at my every move now? What if the person is aiming a gun at me right now? What if they shoot Craig by accident? All my unanswered questions rush around my franticly, in search of enlightening. I spin my head around at every possible direction somebody could be standing in now.

"Are you looking for someone?" Craig asks accusingly. 

"No, no, no. Nobody at all. No one. Don't worry about me. Silly old me, just being silly," I start babbling uncontrollably. Craig scrunches his eyebrows at me. He must think I am mad- just like my mother is. 

"Ok, then. So, thanks for meeting up with me." I completely ignore him just thinking about the possibilities of standing here unguarded with somebody knowing what I've done. He repeats himself. 

"Yes, yes. It's all right," I finally manage to say. 

"How have you been? You seem a bit worried.." His voice trails off. 

"I'm sorry but do you mind if I go home now? I'm really not feeling up for this," I'm sure my apologetic face consoles him. He looks at me sympathetically. 

"Oh sure, sure! I'll walk you home." 

I can see he is disappointed that our date only lasted a couple of minutes, but he seems worried for me. He holds my hand and I guide him to my home. We stand in front of the door and he looks down at me. I've never realised his eyes are the most perfect shade between green and brown. They glimmer naturally. And his smile consists of deep, cute dimples opening up  in his cheekbones making him look younger than he is. His muscular physic makes up for the lack of years on his face, however. 

I'm 16, my mother is mad and I am a murderer, problem? -ON HOLD-Where stories live. Discover now