(1) The beginning [Edited]

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Casey: Every small town has a secret, Ours has a game. The losers stay here where losing is what we do best. The winners get out. In Carp, Texas, out is the only place worth going. That's why Players risk their lives to win.


"Victory is yours if you last until dawn," said a boy while he looked down at a girl who was in a coffin. Everyone else was standing behind him, waiting for the signal.

 "Judgement is coming." He spoke harshly and closed the top of the coffin. He grabbed a shovel and soon enough the other twenty or so people grabbed shovels too, being quick to fill the hole with dirt.

Casey: The game isn't meant to kill you, and it won't. If you follow one rule...


Casey: The truth is, Panic started out like a lot of things out here. Because it was summer, and there was nothing else to do. The games had always started right after graduation and lasted throughout the summer. 

All graduating seniors are eligible to play. Sometimes forty players enter. Sometimes half that. But there is only one winner. Each year there are new players, new challenges, new judges. But the game has ghosts too. We never have to say their names. They know where to find us. They know we aren't going anywhere. Not unless we play.

-Present time-

"And now," said the principal. "What you've been waiting for... the graduates. She called us by name and one by one we walked to the front of the gym to get our diplomas. Natalie Williams. Bishop Moore. Heather Nill. Casey Clark.

Ray's p.o.v

I waited in my boat for twenty minutes before my friends Tyler, Adam, and Sarah finally showed up. We decided to skip the whole ceremony of getting our diplomas because who the fuck cares. We're not leaving this town. At least not all of us are. There's a chance one of us could win Panic. Personally, I think I'm definitely going to win but only time will tell.

"You're late," I told them which got me a "Fuck you" from Sarah as she passed me her bags and got in the boat. Adam spoke up which made me turn around. "Hey, Ray, check it out. I got you a graduation present. Just something small" He said holding back a laugh. 

He presented me with a card. Tyler then yelled out to us to get a move on while I asked "What the fuck is this?" "It's a "Get Out Of Jail Free" Card." I punched him in the arm giving him a distasteful look. He laughed and asked "What? I thought it might come in handy just in case you wanted to visit your pops"

I held a look of hurt that Adam would bring up the fact that my dad was serving life in prison. I quickly brushed off the pain on my features before anyone noticed and replied with " Yeah? well...If only it was a free pass on herpes. Then I can bone Tyler's mom again." Tyler laughed and jokingly told me not to be stupid.

" I can't believe you guys are skipping the ceremony" Sarah spoke up. She's a year younger than us so she's still only a junior. "Well, we are," I said and Tyler gave a "Whoo hoo! We all started cheering as I drove the speedboat out onto the lake.

Casey's POV: Me, Heather, Nat, and Bishop exited the school wearing our graduation robes and carrying our diplomas. A line of trumpets on either side of us were playing the song they had practiced for graduation. 

I watched Nat, Bishop and even Heather meet their parents outside while I just stood awkwardly against a tree. My dad took off when I was three and my mom copes by locking herself in her bedroom and drinking until she passes out.

 I don't mind not being close with my mom. I mean yeah, it sucks watching as she slowly destroys herself but it's given me certain traits like being independent and learning how to stick up and take care of myself.

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