(7) The game WILL go on [Edited]

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I got a text from Bishop saying "Today the court will hear the case of Casey Clarke Vs Natalie Williams." 

That meant Nat was finally going to let me explain to her my side of the story. Bishop drove me to his house where Nat was waiting for us. 

He could tell I was anxious to talk to her, not wanting to talk about how my mom stole my money. Bishop only told me that she was still my best friend and that I needed to speak with her.

 We pulled in the driveway and got out of the car. Natalie was sitting on his front steps when we got to his house.

"Alright remember the court rules: no cursing, Spitting, Hitting, or crying, because I think I ran out of tissues," Bishop spoke to the both of us.

"Can you just give us a second?" I asked him.

 "Yeah, yeah, happily" He replied. He left us on the step and went inside his house, closing the door behind him. "Can we go talk over there?" I asked Natalie pointing in the direction of the porch swing. 

"Fine," She said as she got up from her seating position and started for the swing. I followed her, unsure of how to start the conversation.

We sat down and it was quiet for a minute before Natalie pipped up. 

"So?" She questioned, "My mom took my money for school," I told her to get straight to the point. "What do you mean she took it?"  

"Her car needed a new transmission. Guess she thought I owed it to her for freeloading, like, toilet paper and food and stuff." 

"How much?" She asked. "$5,460. She left a few bucks in spare changer though."

 "I wish you'd told me," She said. "I didn't really have a chance to." Nat looked down at her feet for a minute, feeling bad she'd barked at her friend when Casey really did have a good reason. 

"I didn't learn about it till after you had left for the jump and...When I found out, It was like I couldn't even think. It was like I had a hand around my throat. It was like I couldn't even talk about it... I'm sorry, Nat. I never meant to compete against you."

I spilled my heart out. I could not under any circumstances lose Nat as a friend.

 "I know" She spoke softly "I'm sorry for getting so mad. I should've known you'd have a reason."

 She paused for a moment before speaking again. "What I want to know is... How are we gonna win this thing?" 

"What do you mean?" I asked "If we're both in the game, we're in it together," She said.

 "I thought you said there was no together in Panic." 

"Ah, there are no ties." She voiced "One winner only, but...If we work together, then the both of us win if either of us do, and then we split the money." 

I gave her a bone-crushing hug while she said "I will take that as a yes." The door opened and Bishop walked outside "Are you guys gonna make out?" He questioned. We stopped hugging and I said "You wish" while Natalie said "Really?"

 "So, all good?" He probed. "You guys friends again? Me and Nat looked at each other and she said "Partners."


Sargent Langley's p.o.v

I pulled my squad car up to Myra Campbell's house then I parked the car in the driveway and got out. Walking to the porch and knocking on the door I heard "Who is it?" 

 "Sargent Langley, Sheriff's Department" I called back. Myra looked out the window from her living room, pulling back the curtain slightly to see if it was really who the voice said it was. Myra walked to the front door, opening it with a skeptical look on her face. 

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