(4) The first challenge part 1 [Edited]

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3rd person p.o.v

By now there were 50, maybe 60 kids at Pilot's Point and rising. They brought everything they thought they would need to either participate or watch. 

They came from everywhere in town to see this exciting thing happen. There was a girl named summer who was the MC's helper I guess you could say.

 She was collecting phones and covering the cameras with adhesive tape to make sure nobody could take any videos or pictures as per the rules.

 They didn't need the cops finding out any more about the game they already did. Summer was sitting at a desk somebody had brought up and she kept telling people not to take the tape off.

Ray and his friends, Sarah, Tyler, and Adam were all sitting on an old abandoned car while Ray was telling them a story with a lot of hand movements. 

There were two girls having a conversation, one girl was wearing a white 1 piece bathing suit and a white swim cap. The other one was telling her she wasn't letting her friend jump off the edge of a cliff looking like a giant condom. The girl only replied by saying her friend wasn't on the swim team anymore so she didn't have a say. 

Dodge was just standing, waiting anxiously for the challenge to start. 

Natalie, Bishop, and Heather had just arrived and Nat was way too over excited but very nervous at the same time.

"May I have your attention" Diggins yelled into a loudspeaker and everyone turned to look at him. "Welcome to Panic!" 

Everybody there erupted into loud cheers and shouts. "My name is Diggins, and this summer I will be your host with the most. This year, the winner of Panic is gonna take home the grand prize of $50,000." 

Everyone cheered again, this time louder. "Holy shit, Holy shit" Nat said to Bishop and Heather. "That's the biggest pot ever. Last year was only 30" she continued.

"You all know the rules" Diggins started again "What happens at a challenge stays at a challenge, so I don't want to see any posting, tweeting, or gramming about it, no exceptions. 

Anyone found in violation risks losing game privileges. The first challenge is the jump." Diggins looked behind him and pointed to the cliff behind him. 

There were three parts of Pilot's Point, The Lookout, The High Jump, and Devils Drop. "Remember kids, You want to go out and down into the swimming hole. You miss it, and it's gonna be the rocks that break your fall.

 Take a leap from the Lookout and grab yourself 100 points, courtesy of this year's friendly judges, whoever they may be. Let the games begin!" Diggins had finished his speech and the graduates were now cheering for a third time.

"That's my cue," Natalie said as she took off her dress to reveal a bathing suit. 

"You know, I have the same suit" Bishop spoke, trying to ease her tension. "Wish me luck" 

"I wish you hadn't" Heather commented just before Nat trudged over to the sign-in table where Summer was giving everyone a number and a flare to take with them to light the path of the cliff.

Who needs a number?" Summer yelled to anyone who was in her radius. "You playing tonight? You need a number. Jumping off a cliff? You need a number. Hey, what's up?" She asked as someone marched over to the table. "Mimi," The girl said 

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