(9) Walk the plank [Edited]

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Casey's p.o.v

I watched as kids high and low came from every part of Carp to see the second official Panic challenge. We were spread out in a wide range of people, bursting with excitement. 

Kids were sat on old cars and oil tanks that weren't that far from the ground. Myself, Heather, Bishop, and Natalie were standing off to a corner waiting for the challenge to start and cheering like everyone else. 

Like always, Ray was with his friends and though everyone was cheering they were probably the loudest people there. Diggins and Summer were standing on a homemade platform, Diggins with his loudspeaker and Summer with a bowl in her hands. 

The bowl was filled with slips of paper and each one had the name of one of the contestants. "Alright, boys and girls, chicks and dicks, Ray. Welcome to challenge numero dos: Walk the plank." Diggins had spoken then angled his body to present the two ginormous water tanks behind him. 

They were at least 50ft in the air. You could also visibly see the long piece of metal someone had connected to the water towers making a walkway. This only made the group cheer louder.

Diggins continued to explain the rules

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Diggins continued to explain the rules. "As a reminder, we have 23 players in the competition. All players will receive 100 points for joining except for Dodge Mason, who gets an extra 25..." Everybody started booing due to the fact that the new guy had an advantage. 

"I don't see him. Maybe he missed the sign" Nat said looking around as the boo's got quieter. "That's a good thing," I told her. " ...And Casey Clarke, who gets an extra 50 points and immunity in a challenge of her choice" Diggins continued. 

Everyone cheered and clapped for me because essentially I wasn't new. I suppose they want someone who lived here for their whole life to win.

Dodge had just got to the location, I only knew that because Nat had been waiting for him and elbowed me in the arm when he got there. 

"Maybe I should go say hi?" she asked. "Hey, no fraternizing with the enemy, okay?" I scolded. "Fraternizing is how we find the enemy's weak spots," Nat replied with a shrug of her shoulders.

"Helping me keep records is the ravishing Summer Calvo." While Diggins spoke to the crowd, Summer was posing, lifting her foot off the ground as everyone yelled and clapped. "I'd hit it" Ray yelled not so quietly. 

"Tonight points work by deduction. The slower you are, the more points you lose. You have 90 seconds to cross before you are in the red and out of the game. And now, in no particular order..." 

"Drum roll please" Summer held the bowl up for everyone to see before taking out a piece of paper and giving it to Diggins. "Drew Santiago!" Diggins yelled. "Holy shit! Let's go!" His best friend screamed patting Drew on the back. 

Drew chugged his beer then nervously walked towards the ladder leading up to one of the water towers.

"Hey, since when is Bishop friends with Leela?" Heather asked us anxiously, ignoring the boy making his way up the ladder and focusing on Bishop and Leela's conversation. 

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