(5) The First challenge Part 2 [Edited]

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Casey's p.o.v

I stood outside my house for I don't know how long, a good twenty minutes at least. I had no idea what I was going to do, No money equals no school. 

I needed a way to make some quick cash, maybe a summer job? But that wouldn't work seeing as I wouldn't make nearly enough in one summer, plus nobody was hiring. 

I was thinking long and hard, evaluating my options, thinking up plans, but then I got it. I don't need to think, I just have to play, and I have to win.

I stormed up the front steps going back inside. "Back with my apology?" My mom asked but I ignored her and went straight to my room. 

I grabbed a bag and filled it with everything I would need, putting on a bathing suit under my clothes and going back out to the living room. 

"Where are you going?" My mom asked another question. I grabbed her car keys and went for the front door. "Hey! That's my car." 

"Yeah? well, it's got MY transmission in it." I said before walking out and slamming the door behind me.

I got in the car and started driving to Pilot's Point, not looking back for anything. I reached the entrance and got out of my car, walking the rest of the way which wasn't that long of a walk.

Natalie had just reached the top of the lookout, nervous to jump but otherwise ready. She help her flare close enough so she could see the edge but far away enough that it didn't burn her.

 "Contestant number eleven, state your name" Diggins yelled, still on the loudspeaker. When Natalie didn't answer he yelled "Look, your gonna have to jump or get down cause we got people who've got to get up there."

 "For fucks sake, Diggins, just give me a minute, okay?" 

"That's Natalie Williams, ray of sunshine." He said addressing the anxious crowd. Everyone was cheering for her to jump. "Go, Natalie! Just go for it!"

 "Go, Natalie, you can do it just jump." She looked down the cliff, contemplating her life decisions when she finally gave in and took a couple of steps back, ready to jump. 

She ran, giving herself a head start and jumping off the cliff and landing in the water. They all cheered as she went in.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have another one" Diggins yelled. It was Dodge's turn, he walked up the cliff not showing any signs of nervousness.

 He held his flare tightly in his hand as he passed Lookout Point. "Hot damn. Looks like we got a player trying for the high Point" Said Diggins. "Who the hell is that?" Ray asked Adam, very visibly mad that if Dodge pulled this off he will have one-upped Ray.

"For all you virgins out there" Spoke Diggins " A quick reminder: A jump from the High Point will get you a 25-Point bonus." 

"How about a jump from Devils's Drop?" Summer asked. "And for anyone, uh, dumb or drunk enough for some questionable life choices, there's always Devil's Drop. A jump from the drop will get you an extra 50 points, and immunity in a challenge of your choice."

 By this time, Dodge had made it to the High Point. "Contestant number twelve, State your name!" He didn't answer so Diggins asked again. "State your..." 

"Dodge Mason." He threw his flare into the water below, waiting for it to fall in before taking a breath and jumping in himself.

"That's player twelve!" Diggins started "Making it look easy from the high jump. Way to raise the stakes, Dodge." Natalie looked at Dodge with an amazed look while Ray couldn't have given him a meaner one. The whole crowd was now murmuring between themselves about what Dodge had Just done.

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