(2) I want to play [Edited]

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Casey's p.o.v

I walked into my house, laying my purse on the couch while I tidied the place up a bit, I picked up all the empty beer bottles from my mom and washed the dishes. 

Once I was satisfied with the look of the place I went to my room. I walked in only to realize that my sister Lily was awake.

"It's late Lilybug. You should be sleeping."

 "Why? You're up."

 "Your stalling." "I finished my library book yesterday," She told me. "Mm. Do you want me to make up a story?" I asked. She smiled and I knew that meant yes. I sat down on her bed and started talking.

" Once upon a time, there was a town, and all of the people were made of stone. Like statues. They spoke with stone tongues and they waved with stone arms. Even their hearts were made of stone. But one girl was different. She was made of dirt. "Your nothing," Everyone told her. "nothing" And they locked her away in a high tower, with no doors and only one window. Sometimes it was dark, Sometimes it was lonely, Sometimes, she would talk to the wind to keep her company. She made friends with a firefly, and now It helps her at night when she's afraid of the dark."

I've written a whole bunch of stories but I've been too scared to publish them. I've wanted to be a writer for as long as I can remember, but I'm not going to make any money with that so I'm going to go to school to be an accountant.

 I'll make enough money to start living on my own, away from my mother. Lily had now dozed off so I decided to go to sleep too instead of being alone with my thoughts.

I woke up and got ready for the day, wearing jean shorts and a blue striped crop top. I walked over to my dresser and opened the bottom drawer and pulled out a shoebox.

 This was where I keep all my money, I've been saving for years and I almost have 6,000 dollars, which is exactly how much I need for accounting school.

 I keep it hidden cause if I don't my mom will use it for booze and drugs. I opened the box and pulled out 20 bucks then put it back and left for work.

I walked into the Mainstream wireless building, only to hear very bad news. 

" I know you've been with us for a long time, but I don't have enough spots on the schedule." My boss told me.

 "But you know I'm like the only one who does anything around here, and I've technically been here longer than you," I argued. "Look," He said, " A smart girl like you, you're gonna have no trouble finding another gig." 

"Please, Danny I really, really need this job" "I'm sorry Casey, but there's nothing I can do." "Starting when?" I asked 

"I can get you all squared up for last week" He replied. I didn't say anything, I just took off my badge, placed it on his desk, and left.

I stood outside, leaning against a bike rack as Heather and Bishop rode their bikes towards me. "He said that they couldn't afford to keep me." I told them "But your the only one who ever actually does anything." Bishop spoke

 "That's what I said" We started walking so we could go to Nat's work and get her. "We're sorry Casey," Heather said " You'll find something else" Bishop stated. "I need 6,000 dollars to enroll in the accounting course at Longhorn State." 

 "Jesus, 6,000 dollars?" Bishop exclaimed. " Why do you think I've been working there since freshman year?" I asked "I thought you liked, you know, unplugging things and plugging them back in," Heather said laughing. 

"This is serious," I said trying to put on a tough face but failing miserably and just laughing along with her. "I was on track to have the money by orientation. I only need like 500 dollars, but..." I started but Bishop interrupted me. " 500? I can spot you that." 

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