(3) It's Starting [Edited]

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Casey's p.o.v

"I don't want to watch. I want to play..."

"So what happens next?" He asked. I was about to answer him but the door jingled once again and the sheriff walked inside. 

He came towards us, almost like he knew exactly where to go. He said hello and Dodge said hi back. "Miss Clarke" He greeted me. "Sheriff," I said as I nodded my head in his direction.

 "May I, uh, sit with the cool kids?" He asked "Go for it," I told him. He pulled the barstool out from under the bar and sat down next to me.

 "Where's your mom Dodge?" He questioned, "She's working the night shift, Can I get you something?" He answered the sheriff, clearly annoyed. 

"Let me get a root beer, what the hell" He looked at me waiting for a response so I chuckled awkwardly which made him laugh.

He looked over at the resume that I was holding in my hands and asked "You job hunting huh?"

 "Begging" I retorted. "You know I bet your lucks gonna change when they finish the warehouse. I keep hearing they're gonna break ground any day now, so..."

 "They've been "Breaking ground any day" since I was in eighth grade," I said. He chuckled as I sighed and got up from my seat, taking my things with me as he wished me good luck.

 "Thanks, I better get back to it" I spoke, referencing my resume.  As I walked out of the cafe I noticed sheets of paper with the same mark on them littering the streets, signaling the game would soon begin.


Ray's p.o.v

Ray sat in the sun outside his house with his friends, They were sitting at a table just talking and laughing when Adam tells them 

"We should build a houseboat." Sarah calls him a dipshit as he goes on "That way, we could live wherever we want."

 "Wouldn't be a very long life, if I was stuck on a boat with you dumb shits" Ray joked. "You know Ray, that hurts my feelings. Honestly" Adam says as he holds his chest in a hurt manner.

 "Oh Jesus, really? You want a tissue?" Ray asks pouting his lip as he mocks him. "Ya'll know there are places, on the ocean where murder's legal? Tyler questioned, which got him a confused "What?" from Sarah and a loud laugh from Ray. 

"How is that funny? It's international waters, bro"

 "Buddy, For a drug dealer, uh, You're pretty terrible at handling drugs," Ray said looking at the joint he had been trying to roll for the last twenty minutes. "Yeah, Tyler, you trying to roll that thing or make it your girlfriend?" Sarah asked him.

 "Mm, I don't know, aren't you the expert? He inquired referencing her girlfriend which Ray did not appreciate. He decided to stay quiet though so he didn't cause any trouble between his friends. He and Sarah weren't just close, they were family. 

All of a sudden a bunch of papers started falling from the sky. Sarah was able to catch one. "Whoa. Look at this. White trash" She said as she gave it to Ray. He looked at the paper only to see an all too familiar mark.

 "What? What is it? Sarah cross-questioned, seeing the look on his face. Ray turned the paper around so everyone could see it and said "It's starting"


Dodge's p.o.v

 It was night time and Dodge was finishing up the cleaning in the cafe his family owns. He had just finished stacking the chairs and went over to wipe down the counter when He heard what sounded like small explosions.

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