Chapter Three.

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It was now almost one pm. 

And I was at the gas station getting eight dollars worth of gas, which isn't a lot.

As I wait there patiently, I couldn't help but notice a sign in big letters stating "We are now hiring."  Squinting my eyes at the sign I decided to get the information and write it down. When all the gas has been pumped into the car. I reached in and grabbed my notebook taking down the information. 

I would go in and apply, but I'm not sure how kindly they would take to me bringing my daughter to a job interview.

Slipping back into my car, I decided to take Mia around the park and feed the rest of her muffin to the pigeons, and doves.  She needed her exercise, it's the least you can do for her.

 Tapping my fingers up against the steering ring as we drove I looked back to Mia with a small smile. She enjoyed feeding them, and sometimes if we're lucky the ducks will be out. "Hey Mia, we are gonna go to feed the birdies," I said glancing back to her, then back to the road ahead.

"Birdies!!" she exclaimed with the biggest smile ever, suddenly she started cheering. "Birdies! Birdies!,  The Birdieesssss!" She chanted now more excited than ever. 


That right there, every time she gets excited about something it brings me so much enjoyment.

"Yes," I said clearing my throat as I pulled up to the local park.  Getting out, I unfastened Mia and assisted her out of the car then locked it back up.

The last time I forgot to secure my car up, it was taken, hotwired, and left in a ditch somewhere. I can't allow to let that happen again, I just can't. 

"Mommy!" she exclaimed grabbing my hand and pulling on it, She started to drag me to a small pond inhabited in the center of the park, In that pond sat two ducks.

It looked to be a Mommy duck, and a baby one.

Mia wasted no time, splitting the last bits of bread off her muffin and throwing it over to the two ducks, They quickly rushed over devouring the bread.

While Mia was busy feeding the ducks, something grabbed my attention.

A wallet.

A purple-colored wallet, I quickly scanned the area to look to see if that belonged to anyone, yet no one was there. Stooping down I slowly picked it up, opening it. As I opened it the first thing I noticed was the cash sticking out of the sides.

focus Penelope.

Shaking my head, I scanned for any sort of Identification or any contact information. I browsed through the pockets for anything, yet found nothing but cash.

You cant spend it. 

I took a glance back towards mia and then back to the wallet.

But it had no contact information.

"Mommy? I'm out of the blue bwead." I shook my head, pulling out my flip phone for the time, which was now 1:45.

"Come on Mia. Let's go for a stroll around the park okay?" I asked as she glared for a moment and then nodded.

"Hm okay," she said reaching out for my fingers.

I always tried to get her to exercise, we quite literally live in a storage unit.

I know, I'm a bad mother.

Shaking my negative thoughts away I tried to enjoy my walk with my daughter.

time skip.-

It was nearly 5 pm.

I just got Mia strapped in and it was starting to get dark, we were at a small grocery store in the parking lot. I had two bags left, as I was placing them in the back I heard someone call out to me.

"Hey!" A man said making his way over to me, I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion as he got more adjacent.

Relax Penelope

"I am really late, my car just broke down.. any chance you got a phone I can borrow? If so please, I won't be long at all, I promise."

He promises.

When I didn't answer he continued. 
"My wife will kill me if I'm not on time."

Reaching into my back pocket, I pulled out my phone hesitantly and handed it to the strange man in front of me.

He nodded, turning around to dial a number,  and then quickly taking a step away he started to talk to someone from a good length.

But what bugged me is how he kept looking back at me,  and then he would look at my car.

why is he-"

my license plate.

Why would he want my license plate? my mind started to rush as I wasted no time hopping in my car, and backing out.

"Hey!" he exclaimed, waving my phone. "You're Phone!" he yelled swinging it around.

my phone.

Shaking my head, I quickly got back on the road heading to the storehouse unit, at 6 he takes his breaks, so we will be able to sneak back in.

I just lost my only phone.

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