Chapter Four.

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It was 5:30 am.

I was staring at Mia sleeping on the blow-up bed, we had forty minutes until Jeff the security guard had time to use the restroom.

Feeling a small cough try to come, I quickly cleared my throat.

Lately, it's been difficult to breathe.

I'm not sure why, sometimes it's just hard to "Catch a breath."

Walking over to Mia's backpack, I searched through it to find a clean pair of clothes. Pulling out a jumpsuit and her blue socks, I scanned the area finding her shoes.

When I found them, I placed them in a neat pile on top of the box of non-perishable foods, next to that wallet I found.

The wallet.

Hesitantly reaching out I grabbed it, checking once more for Identification, yet nothing.

Would it be so wrong to spend this money?

It wasn't hers.

Taking a glance at Mia while she slept,  she looked back to the wallet.

But there was no way of identifying the owner.

Standing up, I walked over towards Mia, She needs to get up, I thought to myself seeing the clock.

5:45 am.

"Come on Mia, Time to get up baby," I said shaking her up. "Wakey wakey," I stated as I grabbed her blanket.

"Mommy no!" she exclaimed covering her eyes with her stuffed animal, Kermit the frog.

"I know I know but ... hey..." I said picking her up, holding her close.

"I'll get you a toy...If you're good, and you let me get you dressed." I told her walking over to the small chair.

"A toy?" she said rubbing her eyes with her small little hands.

"Yes Mia, a toy," I said as I started slipping her into the small jumpsuit.

I think she was too tired to fully comprehend what I said because she just nodded followed by a yawn, she acted as I feel.

"Come on," I mumbled putting on her shoes.

"Are you hungry?" I said putting her down on her feet, making her stand. She nodded as she dragged Kermit the frog back to bed.

"No Mia, it is almost time to go." I started redirecting her towards the clock.

"But froggy tired," she said rubbing her eyes.

"Nooo, froggy is ready to go on an adventure."

She furrowed her brows.

"A-vent-ture?" she asked now a little more alert.

"Oh yeah, a big one too!" I exclaimed causing her to giggle.

it was now 6:00.

I wanted to wake up and call for the job opening, but my plans were quickly stented as I left that man with my phone.


Not so intelligent, Penelope.

He was taking down my license plate, did I really wanna know why?

I'd rather not.

He probably was a detective, If he was a detective then someone was trying to find me. You see, that would be nice and all, only I don't want to be found.

I'm going to use the money, I told myself slipping it into my pack pocket. There is no way to ID the person to who it had belonged to first, so why not? I needed it.

When it was time, I started opening the garage door.

"Come on Mia," I said waiting for her to run through. When she did, I quickly locked up and then shut it and placed her on my shoulders rushing away from the storage units.

Once I had arrived at my car, I wasted no time buckling Mia into her seat and then getting into my own. I decided to rent a hotel for the night. And then get us some breakfast, and not just muffins...a real breakfast. Pulling out I got back onto the main road driving us to IHop.

That's right IHOP.

As I was driving I noticed our tank was on E, So I pulled up to a small gas station right on the corner, conveniently across the street from one of the only hotels in town. There happened to be two hotels in town, one was insanely expensive the other not so much.

Can you guess the one I'm going to?

Yup! You guessed it, The cheap one. It was only 35 dollars a night. 

It had everything myself and mia needed, a shower, a bed, a complimentary breakfast bar, and a TV. 

Getting out, I placed the money in and started filling up my tank. 

As I am waiting for it to empty out into my tank, I notice a car pull over to the next pump. Getting out, was the boy from yesterday. He is the one who gave Mia that muffin. Hearing a small click  I noticed that my car was now full. Nodding to myself I got into the car and started to drive to the hotel first. 

Before we eat, I wanna clean her up.

I know, it made no sense.

Pulling into a  parking spot, I got all my information together and got out with Mia. She dragged her Kermit, the frog along with her.

"Hi, do You have any rooms available for tonight?" I said as the fat old man looked up at me, he had a stain on his shirt and greasy slicked-back hair.

"Hmmm, we do," he said and then caught wind of my child, giving me a look of disgust.

"Will that be two rooms then.." he said still eying Mia.

"No, just one."

He knitted his brows together confused, and then looked down to his mini computer.

"ID?" He said now reaching out for it, it was in my hand.

"Oh yeah..sorry here," I started handing it to him.

He took one look at it and then slide it back.

"Nope, You are underage." I furrowed my brows. 

I was not.

"What do you mean?" I asked tilting my head.  He shook his head "You aren't 25 yet," he said motioning towards a sign. In big black letters, it read. "No guests 25 years or younger." 

oh, come on.

That is absolutely ridiculous. 

"Please? I need this." I explained with a sigh as I placed it back into my wallet.

"Well, I suppose I can give you a room for the night in exchange for something else..." He said now eyeing me.

He thinks Im a prosotuite.

I paused at his statement and shook my head. "I'm s-sorry I don't do favors," I said now taking a step back, In response, he then stood up. 

"What? You think you are too good for me huh? " He said as he then unlocked the door, from the desk to approach me.

No Maam.

Without wasting any time, I didn't even buckle Mia in, I just backed out of the parking lot, leaving the property.

"It's okay," I mumbled to myself driving us to IHOP.

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