Chapter seven.

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short chapter, sorry.

After everyone was done eating, and the blonde boy and his mom had left the building, something caught Pennelopes attention.

The woman left her bag behind. 

Frowning she picked it up, along with her bag. "Come on Mia," she mumbled now reaching out for Mia's hand as she made her way over to the register. 

"uh hi, I'm ready to pay my bill," she stated as she grabbed her wallet, Realizing how rude that sounded she quickly rephrased her word selection. "I mean, whenever you are ready, Id like to pay," Penelope said still frowning.

"No worries, let's see," he said typing in something on a computer, then quickly shook his head. "uh well says here you've already paid ."  Scrunching my nose up in confusion I tilted my head.  "I have not." Rufus shrugged walking off. "Well someone did," he said shrugging it off, disappearing from her sight.

Penelope didn't like when people paid for her, especially strangers. If she learned anything in life it's that people always expected something in return for generosity.

Frowning to herself, she grabbed Mia's hand, along with the leftovers pushing open the door walking through it.

A memory-

As she pushed open the door and entered with brody following slowly behind her she couldn't help but notice this was a lawyer's office.

"Wait?" she stopped now turning around to question him. 

"What is it?" he asked frowning as they got in line.

"What are we here for?" she said a bit confused, as she turned to him furrowing her brows.

Maybe it was a courthouse marriage.

"We need to sign a couple of documents, to make it official." He said looking at her, with a smile.

"Oh alright." she said glancing over towards the desk, as the woman behind it called out "Next!" 

Pressing her lips together as she and brody stepped forward, they were now next in line. Removing her phone out from her back pocket, she scanned her phone for any notifications. The first thing she saw when opening her phone was a couple of messages from her sister.

Upon clicking the several messages they read. 

"Ellie? where are you?"

"Where are you?"

"This isn't entertaining."

"Please tell me you aren't with brody."

"I testify now if you are with brody, I won't hesitate to kick your scrawny behind."

As she was now getting ready to respond,  she couldn't help but notice brody peering over her shoulder, watching her closely.

"Yes?" she inquired frowning, she hated when people read her messages. 

"Nothing, just inquisitive... is It your sister?" he asked motioning towards Penelope's phone.  

"Yes, she wanted to know where I am," Penelope responded as he pushed her lightly towards the desk. "We are next, move," he said clutching her shoulders, guiding Penelope to the desk.

"I'm here to pick up some documents for Brody Pokerrea," he said leaning up against the desk, she nodded and started typing away on her computer.

"And how do you spell your last name?" she said now raising an eyebrow to the man in front of me. "po-ker-ia," he said sounding it out. He then spelled it to the woman.

"Ah," she said pressing a button as the machine started printing some documents, when they were done printing, she returned them to brody.

"When you both are done signing them, bring them back for approval and I will get you guys started." nodding he turned around and headed towards the door.

"Thank you," Penelope murmured spinning around to follow in his footsteps. 

When she caught up to him, they got in the car driving away.

"Since you already live with me now, what do you say about getting a new place?" Brody said glancing towards Penelope as they came to a stoplight.

"I think it sounds like a wonderful plan actually." She said now looking at him as he started.

"I'm glad you agree, once we make this official we can move to a more secluded area?" he said turning off the background music.

He hated that band, she didn't know its name, but she thought it was good. Of course, she only had a chance to listen to a couple of songs, but the ones she had listened to she had liked.

"Yeah that sounds nice," she said with a smile on her face.

"I am glad you agree," he said as he tapped the wheel, appearing to be rather annoyed.

Memory over-

After a near ten-minute car ride, Mia and Pennelope eventually made it to the cellphone store. Getting out of the car, she grabbed Mia unbuckling her and placing her down on the floor.

"Come on hun," she said grabbing her hand. Mia then looked up with a smile on her face. "Are we going to the toys?" she said smiling big.

Penelopes Pov-

"I promise right after we get mommy a phone okay?" I asked her as she stayed silent.

"Okay track phones are cheap," I said to myself frowning as I pushed open the door, heading to the front desk.

"Hello my name is Randy, How may I help you today?" he said putting his phone down.

"Uh...I'm looking for a phone, a cheap one, preferably a track  phone?" I asked as I glanced up at him.

"Track phone? ...that is an unusual request, hold on," he said disappearing from my sight. After a couple of moments, he appeared with a box.

"Cheapest we have is twenty-two dollars and twenty-seven cents." I nodded. "And how much are the minutes?" I said reaching for my wallet.

"Well 120 minutes is 6.99 today," he stated as he grabbed one card.

"That will do," I said counting the money and returning it to him.

"Alrighty, let me get it added for you," he said taking the money.

Really random,

 but if you had to pick one food item to eat for the rest of your life, what would it be?

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