Chapter six.

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"Alright, if you are sure," he said now turning around.

"Actually," I said pausing.

"We will, come on Mia." I said noticing the man was watching me.

Please tell me this is a coincidence.

"Great," he said clapping his hands once, then he leaned over and grabbed my plate, placing it right across from his seat. Then, he grabbed Mias, placing it next to mine. Before I could say anything he grabbed our drinks.

Boy, he was quick.

I quickly grabbed Mia and placed her down on the inside of the seat.

"Well hello." The woman said with a bright smile looking at my daughter.

"Hi," she replied as she stared at her hair.

"Oh sorry, Mia introduce yourself," I said glancing over to the man, who just entered the restaurant, He flopped down at the first table he could find.

He was staring directly at me, he was still wearing that shirt. His hair was slicked back, looking almost oily and he kept his stare on me.

His mouth slowly started to curve into a smile, he knew he intimidated me and he got off on that. Blinking back to reality, I shook my head now more aware of the discussion at hand.

"Are you alright?" said the boy right across from me, laying his hand down on the table, realizing he is talking to me, I gave him a quick nod and motioned towards his menu.

"Did you order yet?" I asked frowning, he shook his head indicating his answer was a no.

"No, I'm only three," Mia said as the woman nodded.

"How old are you?"  Mia said now leaning forward.

"Mia?" I said frowning. "That's... not nice, we don't ask people their ages," I said shaking my head.

"She asked me first,"  she said sassily as she looked back over to the blonde woman.

"Oh that is alright, I am Fifty-five," she said with a small smile as Mia's eyes widened and she opened her mouth, before she could get a single sound out I clamped my hand over her mouth.

"Don't you dare," I shot her a warning look.

Knowing  Mia, she would have shouted her age out loud thinking she was old. Mia was so young, she considered me to be old, and I'm only  19, almost 20. How do I know that you ask? easy. because she's told me. "Mommy you're old, but I still love you."  And in those words exactly. 

I know how it looked,  Me with my hand over my daughter's mouth.  But if they knew her as well as I did, they would surely do the same thing.

Again, I know how it looked.

"What was your name, dear?" She said looking over at me, clearing my throat I told her. "Penelope," I said glancing at her as the blonde boy was talking to the waiter I had not even noticed arrived.

"Such a pretty name and hers is Mia?" she asked me to confirm, I nodded with a smile.

"Did you name her?" she asked looking at Mia and then at me.

"Uh no actually, her father named her,"  I said frowning, Brody insisted on naming her Emelia after his sister, who ended up drowning at Sea. Even though Emelia is her name on the birth certificate, her name is  Mia.

"Oh her father? Is he in town?" she asked trying to make conversation.

The boy next to her, slightly nudged her giving her a weird look. It looked as if he was trying to tell her something, without actually saying a single word.

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