Chapter Five.

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Getting out of the car, me and Mia entered IHOP.

Picking her up, I placed her on the left of me on the seat, Which made her enclosed in with the wall and me on the outside of the table.

"Hi My name is Rufus ill be your waiter today, what can I get you too started with." He asked sliding over two menus.

She cant read you Bafoon.

"Can I get a coke and ...for her an Orange juice?" I asked looking up to him, but Mia interrupted. "No! Mommy I want-ed a apple." Clearing my throat and correcting myself I looked up towards him shaking my head. "I'm sorry can I change that to apple," I  said now frowning at my own words. "...The juice I mean, an apple juice?" He smiled and nodded telling us he would be right back.

"Mia!" I whispered yelled to her. "We don't yell," I said leaning closer so she could hear me.

"I sorry mommy," she said sadly.

"It's okay..." I said getting sidetracked at the menu scanning through it.

Looking through the menu, I knew Mia loved chocolate but also as a mother I wanted to get her something nutritious, or something that at least resembles nutrition. 

Deciding to get her the "Kids menu Pancake face." It came with a decorated pancake, a bowl of fruit on the side, and scrambled eggs. I know she wouldn't be able to eat it all now, but maybe she can have it for lunch, too?

Scanning the menu I looked around for what I was going to get, but then I decided on bacon, eggs, and pancakes

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Scanning the menu I looked around for what I was going to get, but then I decided on bacon, eggs, and pancakes. It came with a glass of orange juice and a side of bread. 

Taking a glance over to Mia, she seemed to be smiling and looking around in an observant manner, we only have been to this restaurant one other time. That was when we first moved here, seeing how it is the only place in town that resembles a cafe, we decided to eat here.

Well by we, I mean me.

Seeing the man approach with an apple juice and a coke, he sat the coke and juice down right next to the menus. 

"Are you ready to order or do you both need some more time?" he said pulling out a pencil and a notepad.

god, I hate pencils. , they always get "dull." 

And sometimes they are just so light you can barely see them, but the cool thing about pencils is you can erase them, so in my opinion, you can't win.

Pens are dark but you can't erase them, but pencils are light and you can.

"Sorry, uh, Yeah can I get a number three," I said pointing towards the kid's menu.

"Okay.." he said jotting that down on the notepad. "Anything else?" he said looking down as I nodded and pointed towards the number seven on the top right corner.

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