Chapter 21

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I walked into the kitchen and instantly smelled the delicious Christmas food. Surprisingly, the room was busy with people preparing for the holiday. Bertha, of all people, stood near the counter, sipping on a glass of juice. As our eyes met, she put down her drink and began to walk towards me.

I released a sigh as I already knew what was to come. My body tensed, and my eyes widened as her arms wrapped around me. "Merry Christmas, Amanda," she said, a grin on her face.


I looked at her in confusion, my eyebrows furrowed as I wondered what she was trying to get at. Bertha never liked me, so why was she being nice to me now?

"Would you look at that," Charlotte walked over to us with a smile. My face softened at how happy she looked. "My daughter-in-law is finally getting along." She placed her hand on her chest and looked at us happily.

Before I could say anything, Bertha's phone rang, and she excused herself. I raised a brow as I watched her walk away, skeptical of what she was planning this time.

Charlotte placed her hand on my shoulder, breaking me out of my thoughts, and smiled. "Why don't you help set the plates on the table? The food is almost ready," she said, and I nodded.

Once I was done, I quickly entered the shower and then went to the dining area with Jack. My stomach rumbled once more as the smell hit me, and I quickly took my seat next to Jack.

As we ate, I couldn't help but feel a knot tighten in my chest as my eyes met James's. Memories of him threatening me made my stomach tighten, and I quickly cast my eyes to the ground.

My palms grew sweaty, and I balled them underneath the table. A small gasp left my lips as Jack placed his hand over mine and whispered to me, "Are you okay? You look pale." I turned my head to look at his worried face and placed a smile on my face.

"Just tired," I lied, and he looked at me for a moment and nodded.

When I looked back up, Bertha's eyes were on us, and when I frowned, they moved back to her plate.

The only sound that could be heard was that of our forks and knives clicking on the plates. Charlotte sighed and placed her fork down. "Why are we all so silent? It's Christmas, for heaven's sake!"

"Mom," Jack sighed, and she shook her head. "I just want this Christmas to be different, for us to be happy—is that too much to ask?"

I sat uncomfortably in my seat as everyone looked at each other. James held his wife's hand and rubbed on the inside of her palm while I almost scoffed.

Liam frowned and dropped his fork on the table. "What do you expect, Mom?" he gritted out, his eyes moving to their hands then back to their faces. "Not like we are the happiest family you picture."

He pushed his chair back and stood up while Bertha tried to grab his hand. I turned back to James, who sighed and smiled at Charlotte. "I'll go talk to him." I almost rolled my eyes, knowing that they weren't just going to talk.

Charlotte wore a frown as she ate her food in silence, and I turned to Jack. My hand was in his, and I squeezed lightly. "Talk to her," I whispered, and he frowned.

"I don't really know what to say. This is how it has always been."

No other words were said, and we all ate silently. After breakfast, Chapter 7: Revelations

After the dinner, I headed to the kitchen, and Bertha trailed silently behind me. Her sudden change in behavior this morning still left me puzzled.

I turned to face her, suspicion etched across my face. "What the hell is it now, Bertha? Why are you following me?"

Bertha paused, then looked around and frowned. "Amanda, can we talk?" she requested, and after a heartbeat, I nodded, and we retreated to a quieter corner of the kitchen.

"Alright, spill it. What's the deal?" I demanded.

Bertha sighed. "Look, Amanda, I've come to realize something today. I've been holding onto this fantasy that Jack would eventually choose me, but it's just that—a fantasy. I've seen the way he looks at you, the way he cares for you. It's crystal clear now; he'll never be mine. I need to let go of this... this fucked up hope and move on."

I raised an eyebrow and studied her face carefully, and a chuckle broke out of my lips. "Move on? Just like that? Why would you just leave him for me?" I asked, crossing my arms around my chest.

Bertha smirked. "I guess I finally grew up. I can't keep fighting a losing battle. I want this holiday to be different for everyone, especially for Jack. And if that means being civil with you, then so be it."

Still suspicious, I questioned, "You're telling me that you've suddenly seen the light and decided to let go of Jack?"

Bertha nodded. "Yes, Amanda. Call it a Christmas miracle if you want. I'm done with the drama, the tension. It's time to move forward."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, but a part of me didn't want to believe. She turned her head to the side, and her features softened. "Just..." She trailed off and turned to look at me. "Just take care of him."

She turned around and left the kitchen before I could say a word. My phone beeped, and I pulled it out of my back pocket, and a smile formed on my lips.

'We're in the city!' It read, and I quickly replied.

'I will be waiting for you!'

Jack walked in and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer. "Baby," he whispered, his head in the crook of my neck. "What has got you smiling?" he questioned, moving his head to look at my face.

"Because I'm going to see my little sister!" I laughed, and he smirked.

"God. You're even more beautiful when you are happy."

I bit my lips and tilted my head up to look at his tall frame. "Then always make me happy."

Happy New Year, everyone! I'm filled with a sense of optimism about the year ahead, and I want to express my deep gratitude to all those who have stuck with me and the Red Riding Jack (RRJ) journey. Your support means the world to me!

Exciting news: I've just started a chapter for Book 2 of Sinful Desires. Now, I'm pondering whether I should release it or complete RRJ?. By the way, the Sinful Desires series is entirely independent, so you can dive into it as a standalone without any connection to RRJ. What do you think? Share your thoughts! ;)

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