A day like every other.

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The day flew by, I followed my classmates from class to class and checked my phone regularly in case my boyfriend texted me. In between classes I just got to my locker when I felt someone behind me. "Nate!",  I smiled and let him kiss me. "How's your  day?", he asked. "uhh I was late, it was so stressful.", I exclaimed annoyed. "That sucks. The others are going down to the park after school, are we joining them?" I sighed. "My Mom is picking me up I guess she does not have to work this afternoon. I will have to ask her to go." "Oh man that's new. Well text me if I should pick you up, okay? Zade got some stuff from his cousin you know?". he raised an eyebrow. "I'll try to make it, I'll just say I want to go the mall." He kissed me goodbye and I hurried to my class. I usually was home alone after school and could just come and go as I wanted to as long as I was home before they got there. Noone knew about Nate and I or that I hung out at the park with his friends all the time and it surely was best they didn't. As cool as my moms were they definitely wouldn't appreciate that. I mean I didn't really know why I did or how I got here but that didn't change anything.
Before I knew it school was over and I found myself waiting in the parking lot. I said my goodbye to some of my classmates and finally saw Mama's car. "Hey sweety how was your day?", she gave me a big smile. "Good." I answered. "How come you are off this afternoon?". I didn't mean to sound like I didn't like her being here. "What do you mean, we don't always work?" "Hm.", I mumbled under my breath while she drove off. We didn't talk all too much during the drive and I was glad when we parked in the garage of our apartment building. Most of the kids from my school lived in the suburbs but my parents never wanted to give up on this apartment, even when that meant that I was growing up without a yard and I didn't mind either. I guess they just couldn't let go of the memories this place held. Particularly the memories of my dad who i don't even remember. After I dropped of my bag in my room I came back to the kitchen where Mama was just preparing some sandwiches. "I am going to go to the mall later with some friends, that's okay right?" I more or less asked while I grabbed an apple from our fruit bowl. "Oh I thought we could spend some time together today we haven't really talked in ages, Sofia.", Mom replied. "We talk all the time. What do you mean? I really want to go Mami, come on please!" I chose Peace today and neglected the fact that we really hadn't talked in ages, but whose fault was that? She shrugged with her shoulders. "I guess the Mall is fine is Zola going too?" I shook my head no. "No just some friends from school." "Okay but be home for dinner Mom is home by 7, should I drive you?" „No that's okay a friend is going to pick me up. I am gonna get ready now then." And gone I was in my room. *Pick me up in 10?* I texted Nate while refreshing my make-up and dumping my school stuff out of my bag, replacing it with another jacket, some mints, and a drink and perfume to cover up later when I got home. *On my way*, I read Nate's reply. Again I checked myself in the mirror. Again, like almost every day I wondered how Nate could ever like me. I looked like a copy of my Mama and I loved her with all my heart but I didn't like the curvy figure on myself, like at all. These puffy cheeks, wide hips and all, I hated it, I simply wanted to be skinny like pretty much all the other girls my age. Mom was skinny, and she had the most beautiful smile and everything, when I was in a really dark place I wished I shared some DNA with her, which was incredibly stupid, I knew that, but it would have made my life so much easier.
I sighed, tucked in my shirt and put my flanel back around my waist. I grabbed my bag and headed back into the kitchen. "Sofia I made you a sandwich, at least eat a bite until you are going again, huh?" "Sorry Mama my friend is already here, see you later!". I quickly gave her a kiss on the cheek and headed out.  Nate was already waiting. I jumped in his car, he gave me a kiss and off we were to the park.

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