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Sofia's POV

Time was creeping along incredibly slowly. I had started with assignments that weren't even due for another week. I was missing so much school, I would have to do all of it during the weekend which sucked. I checked the clock and sighed. I was only two hours in on this day. I got up and helped myself to a cup of coffee. I turned around and was about to sit back down on the couch when suddenly the door to the attending lounge opened and I saw an unfamiliar face. It was a relatively young woman in dark blue attending scrubs. Her hair was dark and at about shoulder length. She stopped when she saw me, her blue eyes piercing together in confusion. She then smiled sarcastically. "You are awfully young to be in here." I was flustered, I knew everyone here and never had to explain myself. "Uhm yeah sorry my parents work here, I have to stick around and am bound to this room apparently.', I said trying hard to not sound too annoyed. "Your parents? Whose kid are you and shouldn't you be at school or something?" I took a sip from my coffee and put my feet up on the coffee table. "Yeah you would think that right? But they seem to think that keeping me from school is some kind of punishment or whatever. And also I should ask you who you are, I practically grew up here, my name's all around." She had turned her back to me getting herself a coffee too but quickly turned around now with wide eyes. "You are Mark's daughter! Sofia! Oh gosh I should have known I'm sorry I haven't seen you in like 10 years." Her words made me uneasy. I still didn't know who she was and she just threw my dad in the room. Mark's daughter was something I rarely heard. She must have picked up on me being uncomfortable, as she quickly stepped closer and held out a hand. "I am sorry, I'm Amelia.. Shepherd, Mark was like another brother to me, I am so sorry." I shook her hand and then my head. "Yeah no, don't be sorry it's just .. I am not often referred to as his daughter and I barely remember him. You are Derek's sister then, right?" She nodded and took a seat at the opposite sofa. "Sooo tell me what you did that made you end up here on a friday morning.", she said sounding interested in some gossip. I didn't know what it was about her but I immediately felt like I could trust her in a way. Maybe it was that she mentioned my dad, maybe because she seemed chill. I sighed. "Oh I haven't admitted to anything so it would be kind of dumb to do that right now, but well I was late last night and when my moms came to pick me up I wasn't at the mall like I told them and I might have had red eyes and kind of wasn't able to walk without them holding me up or something. Well that's what they say at least." "Whoa kid you deserve being here." "What?", I snapped. "Sounds appropriate to me, how old are you? 14? And sneaking off getting high? Hell no I wouldn't even leave you here on your own." With that she got up. "I am 15! And it wasn't that bad! Why on earth did I even talk to you?". She chuckled. "Well, 'cause I am cool and trustworthy. I guess I'll leave you to it, don't be dumb, god know your dad was!", and off she was.  I was left completely clueless as to what had just happened.

Callie's POV

The raging anger I felt since we had picked  up Sofia from that park last night was just slowly dissolving. We never had problems like this with her, but then again, did we just not know about it? Arizona was way calmer about all of this, which made me even more mad, although I had to acknowledge that she was trying to be as tough with her as I was. It was one of those days where I was incredibly happy about my specialty, cracking some bones was just what I needed right now. I had just finished up with a patient and handed over the charts to a nurse when little Shepherd showed up. "Well you've raised a little rebel haven't you?". I looked confused. "Oh I just met Sofia, is the hospital really worse than school?", she asked and chuckled, while getting some charts herself. "Oh did she complain about her mean moms now did she? Believe me you wouldn't leave her out of sight either right now." "Oh no I definitely wouldn't, if my mom had done that when she found me high, I might not have slipped further." That startled me. I looked over at her suspiciously. "She told you she was high?" "Well kind of, she told me you thought she was and when I sided with you she said, quote 'it wasn't that bad' so I guess you were right." "Wow okay. I mean we know she was, she just hasn't admitted it. And that was honestly the last thing we suspected, she's such a good kid normally." "Yeah they all are, how old is she?" I sighed. "Fifteen. Such a difficult age, you want to give them more freedom but then they pull stuff like this. I guess we really were to lose with her, we're always here." Amelia shrugged. "I wouldn't know I assume the worst cause I was the worst." With that she left me be.

Sofia's POV

When Amelia left I was left alone with my thoughts again. Hopefully they would give me my phone back later, once we were at home I could at least text Nate through my laptop. They couldn't keep it forever right? But then again, they hadn't discussed punishments with me at all and I seriously had no idea what they would come up with. It was almost lunchtime. Not that I felt the need to eat. I hadn't eaten in more than a day and with everything out of my control I knew I could control that and it made me weirdly proud. I didn't want to be the chubby girl anymore, especially not now that I had Nate. Suddenly the door opened again and Mom stepped in. I hadn't had a calm moment with either one of them, this morning was so rushed and last night.. well I didn't remember much about that. "Hey, how are you doing?", she asked me and I could tell she was being careful when she sat down on the couch with me. I simply shrugged my shoulders, looking down at my hands. "Have you finished all your schoolwork?". "As much as I can do, I don't know what they did today so that's that." I wasn't in the mood to do this right now. I knew I shouldn't have done it but this just felt like shit. "Sofia you can pout all you want, your actions have consequences, but you can still talk to me normally you know." I rolled my eyes at her and looked away. Mom had this thing about her where I couldn't be mad for long and knowing that I was in the wrong here didn't make it easier. "Come on, let's get some lunch." "I'm not hungry." "Sofia, you haven't had breakfast, you have to eat something." "No I don't, I'm not hungry, just leave me alone and do what you have to do." She sighed, but stood up. I was still looking away. "I'm gonna be back later, We will talk about everything tonight, stay in here.". She was just about to leave when April stepped in. "Oh hi! I heard you were here today! Are you joining us for lunch?" She smiled enthusiastically and I knew what Mom hoped would happen, but as much as I liked April, I would not eat today. "No, I'm not interested." That startled her a bit. "Oh okay? Are you coming though Arizona?". Mom nodded and turned around to me again. "No need for being rude!". And off they were.

Arizona's POV

"Is everything okay? Did I interrupt anything?", April immediately asked. I shook my head. "No, don't worry, we are having some problems and  she .. well I don't know I don't even recognise her." We got to the cafeteria and spotted Callie and Meredith. "Where's Sofia, I thought you wanted to bring her.", Callie immediately asked. "Yeah I did but she wouldn't come. She is not really talking." "She cannot be serious, we are the ones that should be mad, does she really not get why we are doing this?" I gently placed my hand on her arm trying to calm her down. "We will figure this out tonight.". "Okay can somebody fill me in on what happened? Does she not have school or something?'' April looked at both of us curiously. I sighed. "She didn't come home last night and when we called her we found out that she wasn't at the mall but at a random park. And when we picked her up it was pretty clear that she had been smoking weed." "What? Seriously? Sofia?". "Yes, oh and she kind of admitted to it earlier.", Callie interrupted. Now it was my turn to question. "What? She talked to you?" "Nope, not to me, to Amelia. I guess she was complaining about us and when Amelia said we were right to have her here she said that 'it wasn't that bad'", Callie chuckled. "Yeah like we did not practically have to carry her up to the apartment. "I didn't know it was that bad!", Meredith suddenly exclaimed. I nodded. "Yeah I don't even want to imagine what could have happened. We don't even know who she was with or anything. Zola didn't say anything, did she?" Meredith shook her head. "No sorry Zola was home yesterday, I don't think they talk much anymore to be honest." "Gosh I am glad I have a few years before Harriet enters that stage.", April laughed and I sighed. "Yes, enjoy this time as long as it lasts."
Sorry I might update later this week but I was kind of consumed with Uni work and also started a story on Station 19 and a teenage girl taken in by Maya and Carina, so let me know if you want me to start posting that as well! Also if you have any recommendations for this story, I am always open to new ideas and wishes!☺️

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