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I heard their voices outside the room, muffled, it sounded like they were arguing. Over me? Then the door opened and the light in my room was turned on pretty harshly. I pretended to slowly wake up. "Morning sunshine."Mama spoke harshly. I pulled the blanket over my head and sighed. "Sofia we need to go to work and you are coming with us, so get up and ready." That startled me. I put down the blanket and looked at them for the first time this morning. "What? I have school!" "We don't care, it is friday, you won't miss that much, you are not getting out of our sight until we have discussed what happened last night and decided on appropriate measures. You lying to us and sneaking off to get high? That is unacceptable and we won't tolerate it." While Mama said this Mom just stood there with her arms crossed in front of her. They were both already dressed for the day. "Now get ready, we need to leave in half an hour." Alone I was again. I bolted up and put my phone on the charger. I needed it if I was about to spend the whole day at the hospital. I then spotted the water bottle that was beside my bed, half empty. My mouth was dry so I drank a few sips. Mom had given it to me last night. I Had never felt as bad from getting high as yesterday, why was that? Okay I hadn't eaten at all but I didn't eat much in general, and that never was a problem before. "Do I have time to take a shower?", I had left my room and asked them who were sitting by the kitchen counter. Mom checked her watch. "If you hurry, sure."

I felt better after the quick shower but was mortified at the thought of having to face all the people at the hospital. They were like family to me, I pretty much grew up in these halls and the place had my dad's name all over it. I hadn't been there as often during the last couple of weeks or even months and I knew that there would be questions. I also knew that my moms would discuss last night with their friends and that would ultimately lead to awkward situations for me. I was still awaiting the big thunder and consequences. I knew that this wasn't it and the uncertainty made me nervous. "Sofia we are leaving, get out here.", I heard Mom calling for me. So I grabbed my phone and water bottle and left my room. "Take your school stuff with you, you'll have plenty of time to catch up on today.", Mom added when I joined them in the kitchen. They didn't notice that I hadn't eaten which at least that played in my cards.

The car ride was pretty silent and the atmosphere really cold. It wasn't like them and I could sense the disapproval and disappointment they held against me. To flee the situation I got out my phone and finally answered Nate. *It's pretty bad, I'm not coming to school today, I have to hang at the hospital. They have barely spoken to me, but definitely know about the 420. Will call you later ♥* I had just sent the message when we parked and they both turned around to face me. Mama held out her hand. "Phone.", was all she said. "What? No!", I protested, but Mom interrupted me. "Sofia, hand me your phone." Mama strictly raised one eyebrow. "No! You can't do that! I know I messed up but you can't take my phone! I need it!". "Well you should have thought about that before you broke our trust. Now hand me your phone young lady, this is not a discussion!" I felt tears working their way up my eyes and stared at her both in anger and defeated before I finally grabbed my phone, quickly turned it off and threw it to the front. "Here you go!", I spat out, jumped out the car, slammed the door and headed straight to the main entrance. "Sofia, you stay here!", I heard my Mom calling after me but I was too mad to listen. I just needed to get away from them. I didn't even really look where I was going until I bumped into someone and had to look up. "Whoa Whoa Whoa slow down! What are you doing here?". Sure, of course I ran into someone I knew. "What do you care?". I gathered myself and looked around. How did I end up in peds, that was just blatantly dumb. "Uhm you look pretty mad and you should be in school and I haven't seen Robbins yet, so: Mind telling me what's going on here? You can't just pace through our halls like that. Hey and don't roll your eyes at me!". Still annoyed, I finally gave in. "I messed up last night and have to spend the day here, they just took my phone and I'm mad, okay?" Alex looked at me suspiciously. "Messed up, huh? What did you do? Got a C instead of an A?", he joked and I gave him a look. "Why did I even bother?", I try to push past him but he quickly body blocks me. "Hey stop I was joking, you don't have to tell me, but running probably doesn't help when they are already mad now, does it?" He was right, I knew he was so I gave in . "No. I don't know why I did that, they are going to kill me now." He smirked. "Naah Robbins is a softy. I've got your back, let's get you to the resident's lounge and pretend like nothing happened, huh?" I nodded and followed him. I could have just gone by myself, I used to spend everyday here, but I felt a bit more protected with Alex, they wouldn't freak if he was with me. „Ok but now tell me, is it bad? I mean what you did. Are they right to be mad?" I shrugged. I wasn't really in the mood to admit to anything. „I guess you'll find out sooner or later." And on that note we entered the room. My hopes of finding it empty were crushed when we walked in on Mom, Mama and Meredith. We obviously just crashed them telling her and venting about me, because they all immediately stopped talking and looked at me. „Whoa what's going on in here.", Alex tried lightening the mood but failed and received an icy look from Mama. "Karev, shut it, Sofia, you are not running away from us like that! You will have to deal with the consequences of your actions. I need to get to the ER now but you stay the heck here and do your work!" And off she was leaving the rest of us behind. „Dude, you really messed up, huh?", Alex gave me a little nudge and laughed. Mom looked at him annoyed and then turned to me. „You heard it, I will check in on you later ok?", stroking my arm quickly before she and Alex left too. I sighed and let my body fall onto the comfortable couch while Meredith stood there kind of lost. „You Okay?", she asked. „Uhm yeah I guess.", I was surprised by that question. No one had asked me that for this whole ordeal. „You know I am sure they will get around, they were just worried hm?". I nodded. „Yeah thanks."

Arizona's POV

„So what's the deal with Sofia? What did she do for you to be like that?" „Alex please I don't want to talk about this anymore.", I tried brushing him off. „I'm just saying how bad can it be, she is such a goody goody." „Alex! You don't know the first thing about it okay?'' We finally got to the peds wing and I checked the schedule. I needed to see something different to take my thoughts off Sofia. Great I had a surgery with Alex in like half an hour and he wouldn't stop until I told him, I knew that. He cared about her, always has. I checked in on the little boy who we were going to operate on and made my way to the OR to scrub in. Alex was already in and I sighed when I entered to scrub. "Don't.", I simply said and started. "Come on Robbins you aren't that strict it's killing you to be like that." "You are right I don't like it, but Alex, believe it or not, sometimes as a parent you have to be like that. And Callie is pretty adamant about it too, this is serious, it's not like she just didn't clean her room or anything, okay?" I finished scrubbing and entered the OR with my hands up, followed by Alex. "Now can we please just concentrate on little Harlen here?", I smiled at the sweet boy whose Tumor we were about to remove. Alex finally shut up and we were able to start.

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