Sofia's POV
"Sofia, you are going to be late for school, come on, I'll drive you. Hurry!". Those were the exact words that woke me up this morning. I checked my phone and realised that she was right, I really only had about half an hour until school was starting, normally I would have already left the house by now. I darted up and looked at her in shock. "Why didn't you wake me earlier?". She had already left the room. Quickly I put on a pair of jeans, a shirt and a flannel. It was late summer and this should work out fine for today. I ran a brush through my thick dark hair and stuffed all of my schoolwork into my backpack before I made my way to the bathroom where I paused for a second looking into the mirror. I could not go to school looking like that. My round face was all puffed and chubby as always, my eyes seemed smaller than usual and I was a bit faint. Washing my face quickly, I then applied some makeup and did all I could to let my eyes seem a bit bigger, take the attention from those round cheeks of mine. "Sofia, we really need to go, come on.", called my mom from outside and I finally left the bathroom just to bump into her who was waiting. "Sofia sweety you did not have to put makeup on, now you will for sure be late. I nodded it off and went to grab my bag instead. And out we were. Finally I could rest for a second as Mom drove me to school. "Callie is off work around the time school is over, she will pick you up, okay?". "Sure.", was all I answered. "Still not woken up, huh?" Mom smiled at me. If only that was it, but sure, whatever made her feel better. "Yeah I don't know why my alarm didn't go off this morning. Why didn't you wake me earlier?" "Oh honey I thought you were already up. Oh you didn't even have breakfast, take some money out of my purse and get yourself something after first period okay?" I nodded, taking 20 bucks out of her purse. I surely wasn't going to use it to buy food, but again, she didn't need to know that.
When we arrived my first class had already started. Mom said her "love you" and out I was hurrying to class. First period was history with Ms Terry, I wasn't someone who was late that often so it wouldn't be too bad I figured. I excused the interruption and took my seat in the back. I always managed to keep under the radar of my teachers. School wasn't that hard for me so i could achieve good grades with almost no effort. Surely that was a perk of being surrounded by doctors all of my life. Both my moms were surgeons and my dad was one too. However I do not really remember him. While having doctors as parents really does help with this part of my life, growing up they were not around all that often. Don't get me wrong. they love me more than anything, I know that, but our lives surround the hospital. I spent more time at that place than anyone I know and I am not even sick. Well more time than anyone apart from the other kids of surgeons. Zola, Bailey and Ellis basically lived there too. Ever since I turned 15 I did not have to spend all of my time there but was able to stay behind while they worked. Most of my classmates were really jealous of the freedom that they gave me and I was not going to lie, I did enjoy it, however sometimes I felt alone. I had two parents who loved me and a boyfriend who I was with like all of the time and still I felt like no one really got me. I realised that I was drifting off and focused on Ms Terry.

You don't know me.
Fiksi PenggemarSofia Sloan Torres should be happy and it seems like she is. However what she actually feels stays hidden from her moms and everyone she cares about and who cares about her. It is only when she starts rebelling her oh so perfect life that the peop...