9 ♕ Ex-lovers

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I laid down on my bed with my eyes closed, waiting for the hangover to somewhat fade away a bit. I hated the mornings after drinking, that's why I didn't like to drink much alcohol at parties. If it weren't for Christian's loud humming and phone ringtone, I would have probably fallen back asleep. He came to my room this morning and wake me up, then he laid on my bed horizontally and rested his head on my stomach as I laid vertically and let him do so.

"It's 12:00 pm. You plan on getting up anytime soon?" He asked, clearly impatient.

"No." I mumbled.

If I could stay lying here forever, I would. But sadly, I knew that couldn't happen. Rich people had the best bed's ever, the one I had back at home was so stiff and hard I wish I could stay here for the rest of my life. Just thinking about when I'd go back home to my not-so-rich family made me want to cry and beg to stay in this mansion with all these rich things surrounding me.

I wonder how my parent and Christian's parents even became friends? Our families were a total opposite, that's for sure. I didn't even know my parents were friends with Christian's parents until the day they came knocking on our door asking me, the good girl, to babysit their troubling son for the summer.

I felt the weight from my stomach, where Christian's head had been resting, vanish. His humming also was gone now, so it was completely silent. I was about to open my eyes to see what he was doing but then a pair of arms scooped me up from my bed and lifted me from it. Startled by the sudden movement, my eyes flew open to find Christian carrying me out of my room to who knows where.

I would have made an attempt for him to put me down, but I was too lazy to even move my arm.

"Where are we going?" I groaned as my head kept knocking into his chest with every step he took. It wasn't helping much with the little hangover I still had, but I didn't really care anymore.

"To the skate park." He looked down at me and smiled cheekily.

"Why?" I asked. The thought of fresh air actually made me want to go through. Fresh air after hangovers always helped me for some strange reason.

"My friends are waiting for me there." He fixed his grip on my body as he carried me because I was starting to slip from his arms.

Once we were getting closer to the house door stairs, I remembered about how I must look and that I wasn't even wearing shoes and then immediately started to kick so that he would put me down.

"Put me down. Lemme at least get somewhat ready." I said as I continued to struggle for him to put me down.

Obeying, he put me down to stand on my feet and sighed. "You look fine. But whatever, make it quick."

I nodded and ran upstairs and back to my room and changed into a decent outfit; a pair of light blue skinny jeans with a yellow and white striped shirt. Then I ran to my room bathroom and brushed my hair down a bit so it wasn't puffy and tangled. I threw on a pair of my yellow converse and smiled at the sight of all my shoes in my closet. I had all these different colors of converse and many other shoes, thanks to all the money the Kingston's gave me for throughout the summer. I wish I could be as rich as they were, lucky Christian.

I ran back downstairs and found Christian waiting impatiently by the front door. I couldn't help but smile at how adorable he looked when he was grumpy.

"About time, took you long enough." He huffed, opening the house door and walking out, expecting me to catch up to him, which I did.

I nudged him in his ribs with my elbow playfully as we walked to his Range Rover. "Stop being grumpy. It makes you look ugly."

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