12 ♕ Aversion

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I ran down the mall halls, crying my eyes out of embarrassment. I can't believe that just happened. Actually, I can't believe they just did that to me! I could feel my face burning with humiliation. That was the most embarrassing moment of my life!

People stared at me as I ran down the halls of the mall, crying hysterically.

They were probably wondering why I was a complete disaster. Well, they missed the show. The show where I was the center of attention, getting humiliated..

It was horrible. Everyone's eyes and attention had stayed focused on me when it happened. Some people laughed and others tried to hold in their laugh to not seem mean. Then again, other looked at me with sympathy, feeling bad for me. I must have looked ridiculous. I was still trembling so hard from what just happened. I didn't like being the center of attention, especially in big crowds. Even worse, getting humiliated like that in front of one! Ever since I was young, I'd been terrified of being embarrassed in front of big crowds. I wanted to die. Right here, right now. I felt so dizzy because my head was pounding from how hard I was trembling and how hard I as thinking abut what just happened to me back there.

I mean, it was one thing for Christian to be mad at me, but another to cause what he just did to me, along with his group of friends. Did he really have no care whatsoever to have thought about it and how their little plan might have affected me?!

I can't believe Christian would be a part of ding something like that to me though. I guess he really was trouble, after all. Which was just as his parents warned me he was. But no, there I had gone thinking that Christian couldn't be as bad as they made him sound.

Just look at what his friends and he did. They made me the laughing stock of all the people who were there watching.

I am such a fool.

I should understand.
Not everyone you lose is a loss.

-1 hour earlier-

I walked down the mall hall with Christian's friend, whom I knew a bit and actually thought was a nice buy, Conner. He was the nice boy from the skate park who sat with me on the bench that day. At least he wasn't horrible like Christian. And, honestly, he was the only friend i=I had right now. He called and told me to meet him at the mall because h needed my help picking a nice outfit for some wedding he had to attend with his family, apparently.

I told him that I was busy, but he insisted on me coming because he said he really needed me to help him, so I came.

I was starting to feel cautious though since Conner kept fidgeting with his hands and looking down at the floor as we walked. he seemed nervous and guilt for some odd reason. I had asked what was wrong but he kept saying that he was fine, so I left it alone.

"Let's go get something from the food court. I am kind of hungry now." He mumbled, heading towards the mall canter where the odd court was located.

I just nodded and walked beside him. I didn't have money, but I didn't plan on getting anything anyways. I felt awkward, considering the fact that he was barely talking. Once we got there,, he lead us to one of the round tables in the center of the food court. As usual, the place was packed with people.

I waited at the tables as Conner disappeared to go order. As I looked around, my eyes stopped dead in their tracks, landing on a table that was a few tables away from mine. It was Christian, his ex-girlfriend, and the rest of his little groupie at the table. I quickly looked back down at my table, not knowing what to do. I didn't want them to see me.

I looked a=the opposite way from the table where they were seated and tried to black my face with my hand so they wouldn't see me. I did everything I could to make myself invisible to them. As soon as Conner came back to the table, I would tell him that we should leave.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2016 ⏰

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