6♕ Silent Treatment

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I walked beside Christian as we walked down 2 blocks, headed towards the grocery store. It was a nice day out, so I told him we should walk, it took a bit of convincing for him though. Were going to get food and drinks for the party, a party that I wish I wouldn’t have to attend, but I really have no choice on whether I want to or not.

A thought suddenly hit me. “Uhh, am I supposed to bring a date to the party?”

I felt shy about the question, feeling like he would make fun of me. I didn’t really know a lot about going to parties, I usually didn’t go to any, so I didn’t feel the need of knowing what to do at a party. Maybe I was thinking about a ball, because at balls you bring dates all the time, right? What about parties? Was it necessary? I felt absolutely stupid…

I kept staring down at my hands while waiting for him to answer. I started fiddling with fingers, embarrassed, since he still hasn’t answered my question. I regretted asking the question, he probably thinks I am an idiot now. Why would I ask that? Stupid me.

I looked sideways, about to tell him I was kidding so it wouldn’t stay awkward silent, but I realized he had headphones on.   -_-

Now, I felt extremely stupid.

I was getting all worked up about the question and he hadn’t even heard me… I guess that’s a good thing though. He didn’t hear my question, great.

He must have felt me staring at him as we walked because he turned to face me also and took of his headphones. He raised his eyebrows as if to ask ‘what?’. I only shook my head and shrugged.

“Spill it.” He demanded impatiently.

“I have nothing to spill.”

“You get pale when something is bothering you… and you’re pale. And you’re mouth twitches a bit also… it’s twitching.” He stated, smirking.

I felt conquered. How did he know all this stuff?

I sighed, “Just forget it.”

Now he was the one to sigh, “ Let me guess, omg! I don’t know what to do at parties, especially the parties with people I don’t talk to! Is my life trying to screw me over or something? Because it’s working!”  He mimicked in a girly voice.

Whoah, I wrote that exact words in…

“My diary! I wrote those same words in my diary. Did you…?” I asked, trailing off at the end of my question, my eyes wide open in fear.

He smiled mischievously and shrugged like it was no bid deal. “Just a few pages. To be honest, it was interesting to read. Although, the part about never being in love caught my attention the most. Is that true? That’s sad, no offence. Very interesting though, I must say.”

By the time he was done talking, my mouth was hanging open. My cheeks were burning hot, I’m sure they were more red than they’ve ever been in my whole life. This was the most embarrassing moment of my life. I always kept my diary hidden well, yet he must have went in my room and somehow found it. I never, ever, showed my diary to anyone. It held all my thought and feelings!


I’m absolutely mad at him, I refused to even talk to him. He read my diary, what did he expect?

I walked around the grocery store with him, my arms crossed across my chest, ignoring everything he said. I would give him silent treatment until my anger and embarrassment wore off. He kept pushing the grocery cart forward, around the store, yet he kept staring at me, waiting for me to give in and talk to him already.

Giving a loud grunt, he said, “Stop it already! I can’t take it anymore. Talk to me, dammit.”

I just continued to look away from him and ignore him. I felt a small smile on my lips though, feeling like I accomplished something. This was what he got for reading my diary, maybe next time he will know not to ever do it again. Now, he learned a lesson.

“Cecelia!” I heard someone call out my name from somewhere behind so it turned around and found myself staring at the cute boy from yesterday. I was glad I had decided to put on a cute outfit today, a pair of nice blue jean shorts and a cute pink top. Unlike Christian, who seemed to have just thrown on a pair of black sweatpants with a black hoodie, yet it actually didn’t look bad on him.

“I guess he forgot about me now.” Christian mumbled under his breath, I still heard him though.

Ignoring Christian’s mumble, I said hi back to the boy and smiled. Oh man, he was cute,  for sure. The boy could be a model if he ever tried to be one, no doubt. He had more beauty that I would ever have in my lifetime, which made me feel uneasy about myself. I found myself thinking about Christian in my head, these were the same first thoughts I had about him as well when I met him, now that I think about him, it feels awkward knowing I had those first thoughts about Christian…

“Oh hey Christian! I’m pumped for the party tomorrow.” The boy said to Christian.

“Oh, I’m sorry for not introducing myself yesterday when Christian told us who you were. I’m Aaron. I hope we can hang at the party tomorrow.” He said, now talking to me, smiling.

I hesitated for a moment, not knowing what to say. “Y-yeah. I’ll see you tomorrow night then, Aaron.”

He nodded, biting his bottom lip, and then turning back to Christian. “Well I gotta go, my mom had me come pick up a few groceries. See ya both tomorrow.”

I watched in awe as he walked away. Was this really happening? Oh boy, my day had become suddenly way better.

I heard Christian clear his throat, pulling me out of my thoughts. “Still going to ignore me, angel?”

I shrugged, looking the opposite way from him, returning to stay serious. Though, inside I was freaking out about the party tomorrow, my thoughts on the party changed, I wanted to be there now.

My attention was on anything, but Christian. Unexpectedly, a pair of arms wrapped around me from behind and squeezed me tightly, and a chin rested on my shoulder.

“Stop with the silent treatment already. Or I won’t stop squeezing you.” Christian chuckled as he tightened his grip on me.

I couldn’t breathe so eventually gave in after trying to squirm out of his grip on me. “Fine, now let me go!”

He did as told and smiled widely. “Good, my day isn’t as fun when you don’t talk to me.”

I rolled my eyes at him, : I have better things to do then talk to you. Like thinking about what to wear for the party tomorrow. It has to be something super cute that Aaron will like. I can’t wait for tomorrow!”

Christian looked at me weirdly, “Sudden change in mood about the party, I see. Well good luck trying to hook up with Aaron tomorrow night.”

My mood suddenly seemed to change.

“What do you mean by good luck?” I asked, somewhat feeling nervous now.

“What girl wouldn’t need a good luck when it comes to hooking up with him? It’s Aaron, angel. He’s not exactly a girl’s prince charming.” He laughed a bit.

“You’re lying.” I said, crossing my arms, realizing he was just probably trying to ruin my night tomorrow.

He narrowed his eyes at me, smirking, “I guess you’ll just have to find out tomorrow if I’m lying or not to then. Don’t say I didn’t warn your little, stubborn heart.”



Look I am REALLY VERY SORRY for the late update :'(

haha and I am sorry if I killed someone ( 'updateee or i am gonna die!!' ) haha lol !!

sorry again and enjoy ;)


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