1 ♕ The Millionaire Offer

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“Cecelia, please, we need someone to watch him for the whole summer while my wife and I go on our trip to Paris.” Mr. Kingston pleaded.

“He’s 17, isn’t he too old for a babysitter?” I asked, confused.

“Well, it’s my son we are talking about here. Trouble seems to stick with him, we need someone to keep an eye on him so he doesn’t do anything stupid that will mess his life up for good. We trust you, your parents are good friends of ours and they say you are very responsible.” Mr. Kingston looked at me, hoping I would give in and say yes.

I sighed, it was louder than I expected though. “What do I get out of this?”

Mr. Kingston’s eyes seemed  to light up with hope. “Money. How about $15,000 for the whole summer?”

My eyes went wide, wow! That was a lot of money, very much for me anyway. The Kingston family was rich, I bet that money was nothing compared to the rest that they had. I was still deciding whether I should say yes or no though; Aaron Kingston was their son that they wanted me to ‘babysit’. Was he as bad as his parents were making him sound? I mean, could babysitting him for the summer really that bad?

“You will even be staying at our home, I’m sure you’ll like it there. We already have a bedroom fixed for you, well for if you accept the offer, that is.” He said scratching the back of his neck, nervously waiting for me to say something.

“Are my parents okay with all this?”

They both nodded to my question. Of course, my parents would be glad to have themselves for the whole summer, alone. It was a good thing for them, not me. But, on the other hand, I would be getting a lot of money in return for babysitting a rich boy who wasn’t exactly  the best kid I guess. The mony they offered me would take me like 3 years to earn, no kidding. I wasn’t rich like the Kingston family.

“So his name is Aaron right? Just making sure.” I asked them both.

“Yep, Aaron.” Mrs. Kingston answered me with her usual soft voice.

I breathed in a few breathes of air, before letting out my final answer.

“Okay, count me in, I’ll watch your son Christian.” I said hoping I didn’t make the wrong decision.

Well, Kingston boy, here I come. I hope you don’t bite.

And that was the day it all began, the night I met Christian, the boy I was bound to watch for the summer, the rich boy that had trouble written all over his face.



I hope you guys will love this story, it's just the beggining though :)

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