4 ♕ Seven minutes in Heaven

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I must be the worst cook in the world; I didn’t even know how to make good macaroni.

I let out a groan; I was beyond frustration right now. My macroni was horrible, the cheese was watery and wouldn’t stay on the macaroni. I didn’t know what to do, I was trying to make food for myself and I couldn’t. I never really liked to cook since I never was good at it, my mother always made food at my house.

“Why so angry?” A voice from behind me laughed.


“Just let me concentrate on trying to make food, go away.” I said as I stirred the macaroni in the pan around.

I knew he wouldn’t go away though, it was my third day in the house and by now I knew he could be stubborn about things. I watched as he suddenly walked up by my side and placed his hand on mine, slowing down my pace on the stirring.

“Now keep the steady pace, it was like you were trying to beat the food with how you were stirring before.” He smiled, slightly chuckling a bit.

I could feel my cheeks starting to burn once he let go of my hand. I quickly looked down at the pan of food that I was stirring, trying to hide my face behind my hair, not wanting him to see my blush. I hated myself for being the type of person who easily blushed when they got embarrassed.

I was startled when he grabbed my face in his hand and turned me to face him, he seemed to look amused.

“You’re blushing. Your cheeks are the color of tomato.” He laughed as he grabbed my cheeks in each of his hand and squeezed them like a person would squeeze a baby’s cheek.

I shoved his hands away from my face. “That’s not funny. Shut up.”

He held his hands up in surrender, “Aye, aye, captain.”

I gave him one last glare before I turned off the stove. I pushed myself to sit on top of the counter so I could wait for the macaroni to cool down. Only. Christian ended up sitting on the counter also, by me.

We both just sat in silence, dangling our feet that were hanging from the counter. I felt really awkward since he was sitting right beside me, staring at me, but I kept staring down at my feet, acting like I didn’t notice his gaze on me. After an awkward silence, he finally spoke out.

“Let’s play a game.”

I looked up at him, “What game do you have in mind?”

He smiled looking pleased. “Hide and Seek. I’ll even let you hide first.”

“Sure, why not? The macaroni still needs to cool down anyways.” I shrugged. It actually sounded fun since this house was huge and I was sure I could find a good hiding place.

He smirked, “I’ll count to 20. You better hurry, angel.”

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