Chapter 13: You're Poison!

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Anthony watched Kara’s silver Mustang drive off, his heart breaking. He swallowed hard, clutching the rabbit close. He couldn’t believe he’d just allowed her to take his daughter away from him. And to top it off, Audrina’s eyes had been begging, willing him to get her back. And he’d just stood there as she cried. 

She’d never cried a day in her life until that moment. 

He took a deep breath and shut his eyes. His mind was running a million miles a minute and he couldn’t breathe properly. His chest hurt, too. 

Suddenly, he heard a car pull into the garage. 


Anthony had forgotten all about Ian. What was he supposed to tell him? 

Sighing, he dragged his feet back into the house, anxiously awaiting the terrible fate that he knew he deserved. What the fuck had he been thinking? He threw the door open to see Ian taking off his jacket and setting down a box from their favorite donut shop. 

“Hey,” Ian greeted him, blushing and looking down at the floor. 

“H-hey,” Anthony replied. 

Ian gestured to the box. “I…I got some donuts for breakfast. I did some shopping, too. Audrina was out of shampoo and stuff. I also got her some donut holes. Is she awake?” 

Anthony felt like he’d been hit by a truck. How the hell would he explain this to Ian? He loved Audrina so much…

“I—I…,” he trailed off. 

Ian frowned. “Is something wrong? Is it about last night?” he asked, fear evident in his eyes. “Because if so, I-”

“No, no!” Anthony interjected, “that’s not it at all. Last night was amazing..Seriously,” he finished, grinning at Ian as his cheeks grew red. 

Ian looked down at his feet, beaming and blushing simultaneously. “Really?” 

Anthony nodded. “It was the best night of my life. I meant all of it, Ian. I really did. I honestly love you.” 

Ian beamed. “I…I really love you, too.” 

The two men stood in their living room for a few moments, blushing and smiling to themselves, just happy to be in the presence of one another. It was Ian who stepped forward first, wrapping his arms around Anthony and resting his head on the taller man’s shoulder, burying his face in his neck.

“I’m so happy,” he murmured. 

Anthony pressed a kiss onto Ian’s bowl hair. “Me, too.” 

He could literally feel the guilt eating him alive. 

Ian pulled away slightly and looked up at him. Anthony was surprised to see a small amount of tears pooling in his blue eyes. “I just…I know you weren’t happy at all when Kara dropped Audrina off here that night and to know that now you love her and me and we’re gonna be a family…I’m so beyond blessed.” 

Anthony gritted his teeth. “About that….,” he trailed off. 

The shorter man shot him a sad glimpse. “Unless you don’t want to. In that case, I totally understand, I-”

“No, Ian!” Anthony protested, “it’s not that, I just…,” he found himself unable to speak the dreadful words. 

“Then what’s wrong?” Ian asked, clasping Anthony’s hands in his smaller ones. “I can tell something’s bothering you. If it’s me or Audrey or both of us, I don’t care. Just tell me.” 

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