Chapter 1: Oh, Baby!

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Just to clarify, this story is set in present time and Ian and Anthony are doing Smosh and Smosh Games. The Smosh Games HQ is still in LA so Ian and Anthony still have to fly to get there, but they also still live at the Smosh house in Sacramento. And again, no Melanie or Kalel in this story. No need to offend Ian, Anthony, Kalel, Melanie, or any of their fans! :)

“What’s today?” Ian asked, looking up from his laptop at Anthony. 

Anthony was perched cross-legged on their sofa playing Zelda: Twilight Princess on their Wii. Sure it was an older game, but Anthony was especially fond of this one. He shrugged, pulling his iPhone out of his pocket. “April 16.”

“Thanks,” Ian replied, tapping it into Domino’s website. He and Anthony had long ago decided that they were hungry, but were far too lazy to get dressed, get into a car, and drive to the restaurant. Instead, Ian was ordering from the internet. He didn’t even feel like talking to anyone on the phone.

“You get pepperoni?” Anthony asked, sliding his phone back into his cutoff skinny jeans’ front pocket. 

“Duh,” Ian replied. 

Of course I did, Ian thought to himself, it’s your favorite kind.

Ian clicked to send the order and then shut his laptop, ambling over to sit beside his best friend. 

“You started over,” Ian stated. 

Anthony nodded. “Yeah, I wanted to just play the whole thing all over again. I’m at the part with the cat.” 

Ian watched as a towns-lady’s lost cat darted after the fish Link had caught. He and Anthony both burst out laughing. 

“Dumbass cat,” Ian chuckled, shaking his head. 

Anthony stopped laughing, directing Link toward a shop. 

Checking his phone, Ian saw that he had a new text. It was from Mari. 

“Mari wants to know if it’s still cool if she and Sohinki come down for the weekend?” His eyes locked with Anthony’s. 

“Yep,” Anthony replied. Then he paused the game, smirking and dropping his voice low. “Unless you’ve got a hot girl coming over.” 

Ian blushed at Anthony’s tone and looked down. “Afraid not. The last time I had a girl over was…,” he immediately trailed off. The two of them hadn’t spoken about what had happened with Kara the club chick in over a year. It was too embarrassing for either one of them to even speak about. 

“Oh,” Anthony replied, unpausing the game and diverting his eyes to the television. “Sorry, man.”

Great Ian, you just had to bring that up.

Ian decided to turn the attention away from himself. “What about Alyssa? Is she coming over?” 

Anthony grinned, his rosy cheeks turning pinker and his dimples became more prominent. “Nah, she’s going away with a couple of her friends. But we should see her next week, I think.” 

Alyssa was tall, thin, had light brown hair and brown eyes…and Anthony was currently crazy about her. 

Needless to say, Ian was not. 

Abruptly, the doorbell rang. Ian shot Anthony a confused glance, as he had literally just ordered their pizza. 

“That can’t be the pizza guy,” Anthony observed, “you just ordered it.”
Ian nodded. “I know, dude.” Then shooting a smirk at Anthony he said, “maybe it’s Alyssa.” As Anthony blushed, Ian hopped off of the couch. 

The doorbell rang again and Ian frowned. “I’m coming! Jesus!” 

Ian flung the door open. “That was really qui-” He trailed off when he saw that it was not the pizza guy. 

Standing on the door step of the Smosh house was Kara, the club chick. However, Ian barely recognized her as her appearance had done a complete three-sixty. Her once long, shiny brown hair was dingy and thrown together into a loose ponytail, flyaways hanging around her face, which was completely free of makeup. Purple bags hung under her once sparkling blue eyes. In place of her trendy clothes he had last seen her in were a light gray T-shirt, pink sweatpants, and white Nikes. Her expensive Vera Wang shoulder bag had also been replaced by what looked to be a diaper bag. But the most shocking thing of all was what was on her left hip. 

A baby girl. 

The girl’s hair was long, from what Ian could tell, and dark brown. It was done up in two tight pigtails. Her skin was fair, but she had very pink cheeks. She was clad in a purple sweater, baby jeans, and white sneakers. She didn’t exactly look happy, either. In fact, she looked a bit…sad, Ian concluded.

“H-hi Kara,” Ian stammered, “can I help you?” 

The short brunette stepped in the door without saying a word. She sat the pink plaid diaper bag on the grimy gray carpet of the living room and then sat the baby down, too. To Ian’s surprise, the baby didn’t so much as bat an eye. He glanced over at Anthony, who had paused his game and sat in stunned silence. Anthony shot him a confused glance and Ian could only shoot one right back. 

Ian bit his lip. “Uh…It’s nice to see you again,” he tried. 

Kara turned toward him frowning and heaved a sigh. “I wish I wasn’t here. I shouldn’t be, really. But it’s your dumbass’ fault that I am.” 

Anthony furrowed his brow, puzzled. “What do you mean?” 

She all but glared at him. “Are you kidding me right now? I come in fifteen months after we all slept together with a baby and you want to know why?” 

At first, Ian was still perplexed, but after a moment of registering the information that Kara was telling him, it finally clicked. 

I’m a dad

Anthony swallowed hard, remaining silent.

“So…,” Ian trailed off, “so one of us got you pregnant?” 

She nodded. “Yes, you did. In January. In early May, I found out I was pregnant and it was too late for me to get an abortion, so I had to keep her-”

“Wait-” Anthony interjected, “you didn’t know for four months?” 

She nodded.
“That’s bullshit,” he spat, “how could you not know?” 

This time, she did glare at him. “I just didn’t, idiot. In fact, it isn’t uncommon for some women to find out late. If they have no reason to believe they are pregnant, it’s easy for them to miss the symptoms.” 

Anthony shut up. 

Anyway,” Kara went on, “for the last six months, I’ve been taking care of her and I’m in my first year of grad school now. I can’t afford her, nor do I have the time to care for her. You guys have money and plenty of free time. And besides, whichever of the two of you that got me pregnant was too stupid to wear a condom and that’s not my fault-”

“Just what are you suggesting?” Ian interrupted. 

Her blank eyes shifted to him, a deadpan expression on her face. “It means that I’m done. She’s yours now.” Without looking back, she began to head toward the door. 

Ian and Anthony shared a shock glance before Ian protested again. “You can’t just leave her here! We…We don’t know how to be parents! And more importantly, how do we know she’s one of ours?” 

Gritting her teeth, Kara turned around, her ponytail flipping over her shoulder. “I’m no whore. She’s either yours or Anthony’s and that’s up for you guys to decide.” She continued to walk toward the door. “Oh…By the way, her name’s Audrina Iris. You can pick her last name. I don’t give a shit anymore.” 

With that, Kara slammed the door and left her baby with Smosh. 

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