Chapter 20: We're a Family!

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Welllll, this is the last chapter of Have Faith in Me! It's also ridiculously long because I was emotional and just kept thinking of cute little moments I just HAD to add and I knew you guys would like that. I am a bit sad to see it ending because I've been working on it for an entire year. Anyway, even though this story is over, I will definitely still be writing PLENTY of Ianthony! It's my OTP and I've got a couple different ideas for some new stories. Look out for those in the upcoming months. Enjoy the last chapter, guys and thank you all so much! Also this is so fluffy I want to die I hate fluff I love angst what the heck am I doing???

Also, if you listen to the song whilst reading this, you'll probably cry. I know I did writing it. :P

Blue eyes fluttered open, stinging due to the bright LA morning. The man that they belonged to suppressed the urge to grimace as he could tell that it was early in the morning.

The biggest differences between living in the Sacramento suburbs and a Los Angeles townhouse were the lights and buzz. In Sacramento, he could sleep as late as he wanted and the only disruption would be a thin gleam through his curtains, the paperboy, and nine to five workers heading to the office. However, LA was constantly loud with all kinds of people doing all kinds of different things. And even though there were blackout curtains on the huge bay window in he and Anthony's bedroom, each morning the sun still somehow shone in and woke him up.

Sighing, Ian shut his eyes again, hoping that he could somehow go back to sleep. He knew that this was impossible, however, when he felt a pair of strong arms wrap around his waist and lips on his right temple. "Morning," he heard in his ear.

He smiled softly, his heartbeat turning to a faster pace. "Good morning."

"We should get up," Anthony murmured, hugging Ian close to him.

Ian chuckled. "You say that and then you squeeze me closer?"

"I love you," Anthony whispered, pressing a kiss onto his husband's shoulder.

Softening, Ian turned around to kiss Anthony's mouth. "I love you, too."

So much in Ian's life had changed in the past year. After an impromptu, drunken threesome, he and Anthony had become the caregivers to a very sad, very neglected baby girl. He'd fallen in love with her and even more in love with his best friend — who eventually fell for him, too. But after the girl's mother returned, he and Anthony's relationship had been tested beyond anything either of them could have ever imagined. They both fell into immense depression before Anthony was finally able to fix it. And then, everything had finally fallen into place.

Shortly after he and Anthony had gotten Audrina back and gotten back together, they moved back into the Smosh house together, soon realizing that it simply wasn't going to be big enough for the three of them. Not only that, but due to the fact that the Smosh brand was expanding, they were having to spend more and more time in Los Angeles. It just made sense for them to move. So after a beach wedding in Santa Monica, Ian and Anthony decided to move to LA.

Due to the fact that Audrina took up a good amount of their time, they added on a few new members for the main Smosh channel: Keith, Olivia, Noah, Courtney, and Shayne. At first, the fans were a bit skeptical, but warmed up to them quickly. They were busier than ever, but they were also happier than ever before.

"We should probably get up, though," Ian sighed, resting back down on his pillow.

Anthony scoffed and shut his eyes. "Why?" he whined.

"Because," Ian said, chuckling, "it's kind of your daughter's birthday. And she's kind of having a birthday party. And we kind of have to get to the Smosh Games HQ soon."

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