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The next day I wear a pair of black leggings with a grey crop top with my varsity jacket and my white converse. 

It was lunch time and Kenny walks by, but Rick and Cole stop him. 

"Hey, little man, yesterday's lunch was pretty good. What have we got today?" Cole says taking Kenny's lunch. 

"Bag of chips. Oh, hey. And some cookies." Cole adds, going through his lunch. 

"Just give it back." Kenny says. 

"A sandwich. Get out of here." Cole says tossing Kenny's food back at him. I look at him and give him an apologizing look. I push my tray away from me. 

"What's wrong babe?" Rick asks me. 

"I'm not hungry." I reply. I get up and walk to the table J.V. was sitting at. They all look at me. 

"Hi?" one of them says. 

"Hi. Uh, I just want to say sorry about Rick. He's an asshole." I say. 

"He is an asshole." one of them say. 

"Well, bye. See you guys around." I say, then walked away. I sat back down. 

After a while I looked up and seen Charlie. Cole takes his lunch.

"Oh, come on, my mommy made me brownies." Charlie said. 

"Fresh warm ones." Charlie adds. He gives me a look and I knew what he meant right away. 

"Hey, it's too bad about your bash brother. Heard he was too scared to leave home." Cole told Fulton.

"Portman ain't scared nothin'." Fulton replied. Cole pulled out a 'brownie' and I cover my mouth with my hand to hide my laughter. I could smell them from where I was sitting. 

"What the hell kind of brownies are these?" Cole questions Charlie. 

"I gotta tell her to stop using the horse turds in the recipe." Charlie replies. 

"Get him." Rick says, and we all start chasing him. 

After school I went to the bus stop with Linda because she wanted me to come over. 

"Is this seat taken?" Charlie asks, pointing to the seat open next to Linda. Linda looks at the seat then Charlie. He laughs a little and sits down. 

"You know, you are  just like the rest of those snobs." Charlie says. 

"I'm not a snob." Linda replied. 

"Oh, really? Well, you don't like me because I'm an athlete. That's a snob. You don't even know me." Charlie says. 

"I'm gonna go." I say, standing up. 

"No, it's ok, you can stay." Linda says. 

"Are you sure?" I ask. She nods her head. I sit back down. 

"If I knew you, I wouldn't like you." Linda says, continuing her conversation with Charlie. 

"Oh, yeah? Well try me. Hi, I'm Charlie Conway. I'm a 14 year old, almost six foot, nonsmoking Leo. I like hockey, pizza, and music, and I hate everything about that school. Except maybe you. Now you try." Charlie says. 

"I'm Linda. I don't like it here either." Linda says. 

"And pizza?" Charlie asks. 

"I like pizza." Linda says. 

"Music?" Charlie says. 

"Of course I like music. I like Pantera." Linda replies. 

"No way! I love Pantera." Charlie says. I laugh a little. 

"So the only thing we don't agree on is hockey. Too violent? Don't understand the rules?" Charlie says. 

"I have to admit, I've never been to a game." Linda replied. Charlie sighs.

"You've never heard of the Anaheim Mighty Ducks?" Charlie asked. Linda shook her head. 

"They named a pro team after us." Charlie added. 

"Sorry." Linda says. Charlie sighs. 

"Oh, man. Well, uh.....we have a game Friday. And I was thinking that maybe you could come down.....and maybe snag a coke or something afterwards." Charlie says. 

"I still don't know you that well." Linda says. 

"Did I tell you I'm allergic to nuts? Any kind of nut. I swear. I blow up. It's kind of gross. And I really like talking to you. What else?" Charlie says. The bus was approaching. 

"I don't know. Just keep talking." Linda says. We all stand up as the bus comes to a stop. Linda gets on. I turn towards Charlie. 

"Nice job Conway." I say, giving him a high five. I get on the bus. 

Friday approaches and Rick came to get me. I was wearing black leggings again with a red crop top, my varsity jacket and my white converse. 

We find our seats in the stands and sit down. I sat by Rick, Mindy was on the other side of me. 

"Ness, have you met our new Varsity player yet?" Rick asked. 

"No I don't think so." I reply. 

"Banks. This is Nessa. Babe this is Adam Banks." Rick says. 

"Nice to meet you." I say, shake hands. He sits in front of Rick and I. 

"It appears the entire school has turned out to see the once Mighty Ducks, I mean, rather, the, um, Eden Hall Warriors do battle with the Blake freshman Bears." the announcer says. 

"Point of fact, Charlie Conway is not wearing the traditional captain 'C'. He's been this team's captain ever since they played in District Five. I guess Coach Orion's making a statement." the announcer adds. 

They start playing. 

"Conway passes to Averman who hits the zone and--Oh! That's a hook if I've ever seen one. He gets the pass off Fulton. Look out!" the announcer says. 

(time skip) 

Charlie start arguing with the ref.

"Oh, my, Conway is really hot. He'll get 2 for unsportsmanlike conduct." the announcer says. 

Charlie gets out of the box and starts playing. 

After a while Charlie tries getting another goal but the buzzer goes off. 

We get up. 

"Where are we going?" I ask. 

"You'll see." Rick replied. 

We get to the J.V. locker room. 

"Why are here?" I ask, but get completely ignored. I look at Adam and he shrugs. I seen them grab all of their clothes and take them to the showers and start them. 

"Really guys?" I say. Again I get ignored. I scoff and walk out of the locker room. I go outside and sit on a bench that was in the school yard. 

After a while I go back in because we had practice. 

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