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how i headcanon wildfires to work with the states:

every time a very prominent or really bad fire occurs, the state (or states) that is affected will have a very high fever depending on the severity of the fire. that state will feel hot to the touch, and they will need to be in a cool climate for a few days, or until the fire subsides.
a great example would be the fires in northern california and oregon we've had this past year. during the fires, california and oregon had extremely high fevers and had to have the thermostat set very low to try and cool them down.

fun fact!
california and texas are the states with the most wildfires per year

other stuff:
- on numerous occasions have the western states been caught hugging alaska in an attempt to cool down.
- alaska actually has a number of fires as well, due to the dry forests
- one time california's hair caught on fire and dc and america burned paperwork in her hair.
- if a fire is severe enough, it could leave the states with burns on their skin (california has a lot)
- the states are also subject to heatstroke during a fire bc of the high fevers

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