Red carpet

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I am currently doing an interview with Angie as for my movie that I did. A bunch of people are invited and it's great to see everyone. I was on my last interview so after this I would be able to go in side since Angie and I already took pictures. In case you're wondering this isn't the premier this is the after party for the premier, you see we missed it because Angelina and caught up doing something if you know what I mean.

"Okay y/n last question are you and Angelina official, what's the status?" She asked as I laughed as Angie and I looked at each other.

"Well I would be lying if I said I wasn't attracted to her and we were completely platonic but I'm just trying to find myself since I just got out of a relationship but it's nice to know Angie is here to keep me company you know." I said as I kissed Angelinas check and waved by.

"I was expecting everyone to ask that to be honest" Angelina said as I laughed.

"Really ? Well I guess they were caught off guard by your beauty." I said bashfully as Angelina rolled her eyes

"Doll, I must say you're corny, let's get going yeah?" She said as I nodded and we walked into the theater to see Timothée but this time he was solo. Apparently, him and lily broke up so she's avoiding him.

"Timmy" I said excitedly as I gave him a hug.

"Timothée this is Angelina, Angelina this is Timothée." I said as she waved at him as he reciprocated the gesture.

"Nice to meet you, all of your work is amazing." He said as Angelina smiled and thanked him.

"Uh y/n whatever you do don't turn around." Timothée said quickly as he took a sip of his drink.

"What why" I said laughing as Angelina and I turned around and I froze completely.

There she was my fluttered but it soon stop when I saw who the greenish bluish eyed girl was with,Kendall. I turned around and I felt Angelina's arm wrap around my waist.

"You okay?" She asked as I smiled and kissed.

"Yeah of course" I said as she looked at me like she was contemplating something but nodded.

"Y/n/n I told you not to look, crap I have to go lily is here." Timothée said as he walked in the opposite direction of the blonde girl.

I felt a tap on my shoulder causing me to turn around and I when did I was faced with Bella and Kendall who was throwing herself all over her. Angelina's grip tightened around my waist as she glared at Bella. Bella is 5'9 and Angelina was 5'7 so there was a slight height difference but Angie didn't seem to be backing down. I cleared my throat causing Bella to look at me. Her eyes softened and She smiled at me.

"I just wanted to tell you that the movie was amazing I didn't see you at the premier." She said as Angelina spoke up.

"Yeah we got caught up with...something. Someone here doesn't seem to be able to resist me, isn't that right doll? I think you were tied up with something." Angelina said causing me to blush and my breath to hitch.

"Y-yeah I was tied. I mean we were tired up with some prior engagements." I said leaning into Angelina as I looked at Bella and she had a set jaw and eyes narrowed at our interaction.

"Y/n I'm glade you moved on. You're with Angelina or is it Harry? I don't know you seem to rotate every other day...anyways Bella and I have given it thought and we think this is going to work out." She said linking her arm with Bella's as Bella yanked her arm away and scoffed.

"That's cute Kenny. I hope you have fun with my sloppy seconds, you got with Harry when I broke up with him and now it seems you have Isabella. If You like I can call Kelly (Oubre) too since you want my ex's so bad, matter fact I bet he would be a great addition to your list of NBA players since you fuck all of them anyways." I said sarcastically as Kendall started getting mad and looked at me shocked before storming off.

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