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*skip a couple months*

Bella's POV

Y/n and I have been great and today is Westons Birthday. So y/n and I are having it at y/n's house but we have to go pick up the cake.

"Bubba I can't find my keys have you seen them" y/n yelled from the top of the stairwell

"You put them next to your outfit for tonight" I yelled up as y/n groaned

"They're not there" she said before walking back into the room.

"Let's go help mommy before she becomes fussy" I told Weston who was on my hip who laughed before laying her head on my shoulder as I went up stairs.

"Okay let- what happened in here" I asked shocked as I looked at the closet that looked like a tornado hit it.

"I was looking for our outfits for her birthday and then I was looking for my keys" she said in an annoyed tone.

"Bad" Weston said pointing at the clothes on the floor as I nodded

"Yeah bad mommy, she made a mess huh Wes ?" I said to Weston who pointed at y/n and shook her head causing me to laugh

"Okay well let's take some time- y/n...are you serious, my love they're sitting on the bed" I said pointing at the bed while she let out a nervous chuckle

"Sorry bub, don't worry this will be cleaned" she said giving me a peck on the cheek before walking to the bed and grabbing her car keys.

"My mom is going to be over soon and then we can leave" y/n said as I nodded

"I hope everything goes smoothly" y/n said as I looked at her and instantly groaned knowing that everything my mom and Zayn are going through are going to make Westons party a mess.

"I know I told my mom she wasn't invited but she insisted on bringing her a gift and seeing her for a few minutes on her birthday"I said annoyed at everything

"Really can't she just come tomorrow or just have it dropped off by someone? Fuck and then I just realized that this is the first time my parents are going to be in the room since forever" y/n said as I let out an "ohhhh" because now on top of the drama in my family there can possibly be drama from y/n's family too.

"I'm sure they're going to be fine your mom as always been one to deal with situation with ease you Dad can be a hot head at times but I'm sure they'll be fine. It's about Weston" I said as she nodded and went downstairs.

"I can't believe she's one already" y/n said with a sad smile as she reached out for Weston.

"It's so crazy I've missed so much of her life, but for the last 7 months she grown so fast and I'm grateful that she's changed me in such a way that I'm a better person." I said as y/n nodded and held my hand.

"I know and I'm sorry for that but she's so attached to you and honestly you're probably her favorite. It's is crazy how she did so big and now she's starting to talk and next thing I baby's going to off to college not needing me" y/n said crying at the end as I pulled her in for a hug and kissed her forehead

"Bubba that's not gonna happen anytime soon. Let's just enjoy all of our memories, and she's never going to not need you. You're her mom she's always going to call you for something just like our we call our moms when we need help, and trust me if she's as dramatic as you she's definitely going to be calling" I teased y/n as she laughed giving me a playful shove before wiping her eyes.

"Am not" she giggled as I gave her a really? kind of look. I placed Weston on our bed as soon crawled to her bear that was by the edge before playing with it.

Yours  Bella Hadid x Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now