One week

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I was at an audition waiting to be called as I quietly went over lines in my head. As other people came and left the room

"Well, well" a voice said as I looked over and was met with familiar blue eyes.

"Angie, what a coincidence" I said with a nervous laugh as the dirty blonde girl sat next to me.

"What role are you auditioning for" she asked as she tried to peek at my lines

"Umm just Wesley" (pretend the Wesley is a female lead for the movie wanted)

"Well in that case I definitely hope you get the role" she said with a wink as she bit her lip causing me to have a light blush

"What about you?" I asked but before she could answer the directors assistant opened the door and called my name.

"I guess you'll just have to wait and see, good luck" Angelina said as I got up and looked at her confused before walking into the room.

*skip audition* I left the room and saw Angelina was still sitting where I left her and couldn't help but want to say bye since it would seem a bit rude but figured Bella probably wouldn't approve of the action

I shook the thought and figured I'd say bye anyways what big whoop could that cause anyways Bella will already be mad about her presence.

"Bye Angie, good luck" I said as she sent me a smile

"Thanks love, I appreciate it, I'll see you around" she said before she got up and made her way to the room as her name had been called.

I quickly left afterwards and made my way to Miley's party where I'd be meeting up with Bella and the rest of our friends.

After a while I arrived and seen a pile of cars that filled the driveway and street. After a while I finally found a parking place I parked and began walking to the singers house.

"Y/n" I heard my name get called as I turned around and saw Gigi

"Hey Gi" I said as pulled her in for a quick hug and we both began walking up the long driveway as people filled the front of the house outside as if the house was overflowing with people who carried on dancing or smoking outside

"Ohhh so she can party" I heard someone shout as we passed a group of people

"Asshole" I said teasingly as I pulled Timmy in for a hug.

"Gi this Timothèe,Timmy this Gigi Bella's, sister" I said as he shook her hand and gave his attempt of flirting with her. Which surprisingly she flirted back

"Well you two enjoy yourselves imma gonna go find Bella" I said as I walked away and made my way into the house.

I walked through the house and I felt some grab me by the waist and instantly turned around alarmed at who it could be

"Hi bub" Bella said causing me to relax once I saw it was her

"Hi" I said as I greeted her with a quick kiss.

"How was the audition" she asked

I could tell her Angelina was there but I figured I could wait till later when we're home since I know how she gets when she's jealous

"Uh it was good, what about you how was your day" I said as she smiled at me

"It was good it mainly just try on's for the models they had us switch outfits a couple of times since the designer is really stressed about this campaign" Bella said as I nodded

"It's the hottest couple ever" Miley said as she made her way over to us doing a goofy little dance.

"I don't Bella Is carrying us she majority of the hotness" I said as Miley and Bella both scoffed

Yours  Bella Hadid x Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now