Interviews and shoes

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Today I'm going on the infamous YouTube show sneaker shopping and I'm super nervous because yes I have a lot of shoes but Bella and Gigi have way more compared to me and I don't even think I'm hype enough to be on the show, but here I am.

Once I got there  I greeted all the crew and then Joe the host of the show. As he explained everything we were gonna be doing and where we would standing as well as  which cameras were which.

"Okay so before we start is there anything you need? Water a 5 minute break or anything really let us know and we can make it happen" Joe asked as I laughed but shook my head no

"No, I'm ready thank you so much though" I said as he nodded and we went to the beginning of the sneaker store to film the intro.

"Okay so today we're here with actress/singer/model Y/n, you ready to get some sneakers" Joe said into the camera before asking me

"I'm ready" I said excitedly as we walked out of the shot

"Okay so Bella has been on the show before and I know she's really into shoes do you guys ever have a rivalry going on at home at who get the newest shoes first or something" Joe asked causing me to laugh.

"You know we kinda do sometimes but B wins more times that I do, if I happen to get some shoes before her then I'm like lucky because she's always get sent stuff and is able to take things home from different shoots but when I do I make sure to flex it a lil bit" I said as he laughed and nodded

"So y/n you're known for wearing some crazy sneakers that most people probably wouldn't wear and just keep displayed are there any regrets about wearing some sneakers or are you more of a I wear what I want" Joe asked

"I mean I definitely understand why people get so mad but I would rather wear them than keep them in some fancy display box that people get to see when I post it on social media or when people come to my house, I want to really enjoy my shoes y'know" I said as Joe nodded

"Yeah I get that I respect that, wear you shoes ladies and gentlemen" he said into the camera

"So y/n you're from California and New York what was it like growing up were you into sneakers" Joe asked As I nodded

"I was always into sneakers but growing up my mom was a single parent and I would get one pair of shoes for the school year but I would watch mtv and would see some shoes that were super cool and be like one day I want to get those and when I got older I got a part time job when I was in school so I was able to buy my first pair of Jordan's and they were some Jordan 11 concords so my 1st pair of jordans were pretty epic" I said with a laugh as Joe raised his eyebrows

"Dang that is an epic 1st pair did you have to camp out or did you like get the for resell or in store"

"I had actually skipped school with my friends and we luckily went to a school that was like a 15-20 minute walk away form a foot locker and ran there and stood in line until the store opened we weren't in the very front but we still managed to get a pair luckily, but guys do not skip school for anything" I explained before I pointed to the camera with a "serious glare" before laughing.

"I remember the times when we'd have to camp out it's nice now that there's more sneaker stores like but also being a mom now do you think Weston gonna be laced up in the newest sneakers" joe asked as I nodded

"For sure her mama is all over that, Bella has bought her so many sneakers, she has more off whites than me, to be honest her little collection is better than mine" I said causing the two of us to laugh.

"You gotta start them young" Joe said causing me to laugh and nodded

"So y/n we see you in a lot of Jordan ones is that your favorite pair of sneakers or would you ever want to have a sneaker deal?" Joe asked as I bite my lip as I thought about the question

Yours  Bella Hadid x Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now