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"You're joking, right?" Tony stared at me, while the others sat in silence beside him.

"No..." I shook my head, then looked down. "I don't even know why I like them."

"Exactly!" Vito got up. "If you don't have a reason for liking them, then why do you like them?!"

"Well obviously there are reasons why I like them, but I don't know why I like them for those reasons." I sighed and rubbed my wrists. "I guess I can't help but like them because of the way they are, you know? I can't control these feelings."

"He's right." We turned to look at Frankie. "This was bound to happen at some point. It's not like all of us could just stay together and never get along with people. If you really think about it, we've really only stuck to each other. One of us was going to fall in love, or find someone they like at some point. This is the first time in a while that we've actually made friends. Dino is pretty cool and so is Romeo, but he just has a sad childhood and life right now, so I'm not surprised that Luci likes them."

I didn't ask what he meant about that last sentence, but I looked over at my brother and cousins, just waiting for their responses.

"Frankie's right...but it just sucks that it's already happening." Rocky sighed.

"But why Romeo? He's obviously watching us because of whoever told him to, so he's basically a spy." Tony asked.

"Because of the way he grew up, it obviously seems like...that's how he was raised. He wasn't raised in a 'regular' environment for a growing kid, and from what he's told us, it seems like all Romeo's known was his family before he came to this school, that's why he acts all awkward and innocent with us. He just doesn't know how to socialize like everyone else. He's taken orders all his life, so that's all he knows. He's just being used and it's sad that he doesn't even realize it." I explained, and was surprised to feel even more sad for Romeo. He just didn't deserve to be raised the way he was.

"But still, he's a spy and we should do something about it." Vito scowled. "We're just hanging out with him as if we're actually his friend or something. It can't just be me that is thinking like this. It should be common sense to ignore and stay away from him. We're acting like it's fine that he's spying on us. Our parents know it too, yet Lucio is still inviting him over."

I rolled my eyes. "Vito, shut up. I feel bad for him, ok? If it was any other person who was just trying to get closer with us and use us for business, then I would immediately stop hanging out with them."

He moved closer to me. "Then what about him makes him so special for us to allow him to continue spying on us?!"

"I feel bad for him, alright?! He didn't have a proper childhood growing up, and I'm his first friend. It's not his fault that he's doing as he's told because he doesn't know anything else. I like how innocent and awkward he is, the same way I like how blunt and weird Dino is. I like them both for different reasons, and I can't control it. If I could control my feelings, then obviously I would like them but just as friends."

"Whatever. Go fuck the spy. If something happens to our family, it won't be my fault for inviting the guy to our group. It'll be yours and I'll have no problem blaming it all on you." Vito walked away.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes, shaking my head. "What do you think, Georgie? Am I in the wrong for being friends with Romeo because I feel bad that he never got to have a good childhood?"

"No, I understand why, but it's the fact that he's a spy that just..." he shook his head, then threw his arms up as he shrugged. "I don't know, ok?! I feel bad for him too, but it sucks that he's a spy. I wouldn't get too close to him if I were you, but it's your choice in the end. Vito is right, though. Romeo still is a spy."

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