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"We get to eat even more food!" Vito and Dino cheered.

"Not until it's dinner, boys." Uncle Jace squinted at them, and they turned away.

I went up behind my papa. "Papa, where's Dad?"

"He's in our room. He was trying to fix something." He replied and I nodded, kissing his cheek and skipping to Dad's room.

It was finally New Year's Eve, so my family was over at our house. All my uncles and cousins were here so I was quite happy.

I knocked on Dad's room, but walked straight in and shut the door. "Dad, are you still dressing?"


I furrowed my brows and walked to the closet. "Dad, Bubba, everyone's already here."

Dad looked back at me while Bubba kissed his neck. "We're almost d-done, Lucio."

I pouted and walked over to where Bubba and Dad were sitting on the floor, fully undressed. "Now I wanna watch."

"You can watch for just a little, Luci." Dad pressed a chaste kiss to my lips and I smiled, reaching over to peck Bubba's lips.

Bubba lifted Dad up by his hips and dropped him back down on top of his cock. Dad moaned and reached for my left hand, gently linking our fingers together and squeezing my hand.

I moved closer to his right side and leaned down, gently licking Dad's right nipple. I gently rolled the small bud between my fingers and sucked around my fingers.

Dad moaned and dug his hand into my hair, gently cupping the back of my head. I licked his right nipple, then took it into my mouth and heard Dad moan. He tugged on my hair and I sucked harshly, feeling something liquidy and warm fill my mouth.

I pulled away and looked down, seeing a small dot of white liquid sitting in the middle of Dad's nipple. I tasted the liquid in my mouth and hummed, the warm, sweetness making me lick my lips.


"Y-Yes, Luci?" Dad looked down at me and I gently squeezed and rubbed his nipple and the area around it, watching white liquid dribble out of his nipple.

"What is that?"

Dad furrowed his brows as Bubba stopped thrusting. "I don't know what the hell that is..."

I squeezed his nipple a bit harder and a tiny, thin stream hit my shirt. The three of us looked at each other in confusion, but then I lowered my head and took his nipple into my mouth, gently suckling.

The warm and sweet liquid filled my mouth and I closed my eyes, continuing to suck and hold Dad's hand.

"What does it taste like?"

"It's warm and sweet." I spoke with Dad's nipple in my mouth and went back to sucking.

"I'll have to ask Eddie or Reece about this. I'm not really sure what it is." Dad said more to himself.

"I like it, Daddy. It tastes good." I glanced up at him and he blushed.

"Well, I don't know what it is so I'll still have to ask them." He rubbed my nape and I whimpered.

Bubba pulled me back and took my place, so I pouted. "You took my spot, Bubba."

Bubba hummed and pulled his head back. "It looks like breast milk. I'm not sure about the taste, because I've never tried it, but the color and consistency looks like breast milk."

Dad looked at him in confusion. "Men can't produce breast milk."

"Well, I don't know about that now..." Bubba shrugged, but pulled Dad closer. "Ask Eddie and Reece afterwards, I'm sure they'll know what it is."

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