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"Marco said he was coming over in about an hour."

My dad nodded. "Do you have anything else to do?"

Antonio shook his head and I walked over to him, hugging his waist.

"I haven't seen you in a while, Antonio." I rubbed my cheek on his shoulder and he hugged me.

"Did you really miss me?" He kissed my head.

"Yes, that's why I'm hugging you!" I pouted and he pulled me to the couch.

"You hug me even if you see me frequently."

"Well yeah...but I did miss you." I whined.

Antonio chuckled softly. "I'm just playing, Lucio. I missed you, too."

I smiled brightly and laid my head on his shoulder. "I haven't seen Alejandro, Charlie, and Walter in a long time either. The last time I think I saw them was when I got kidnapped."

Antonio rubbed my side. "They're downstairs."

I gasped, looking over at my dad. "Dad, can you call them up? I want to see them."

"If they're not busy, then yeah." Dad called someone using his phone and asked for Alejandro, Charlie, and Walter. "Yeah, send them up."

I smiled to myself.

Romeo and Dino glanced at me from the table, so I looked at them in question, but Dino shook his head.

There was a knock at the door and Dad told them to come in, but Alejandro pushed through Charlie and Walter to get to me.


"Alejandro!" I held my arms up and he picked me up, hugging me tightly as he kissed my cheeks.

"I haven't seen you in forever, Luci. Did you miss me? I bet you did." Alejandro continued to kiss my cheeks. "Did you miss me more than Antonio? Tell me that you missed me more than Antonio so he can be jealous."

I shook my head. "I missed you both the same, Alejandro. Same goes with Charlie and Walter."

I turned to them and made grabby hands, so they came over and kissed my cheek. "I missed you guys, too."

Alejandro kept me in his arms and sat at the table where Dad was sitting, Charlie, Walter, and Antonio joining us.

Alejandro cuddled me as they talked about work and just random things.

It was Friday today, so it had been just two days since Dino told Dad his biological family contacted him. Dad was upset that Dino's old family would likely use him in order to do some business with us or even more, but Dad already set his mind that he was going to reject and deny all offers Dino's biological family made with him. It didn't matter if the offer would be something big or important that would do good for us, Dad wasn't going to give it a second thought and just flat out reject their offers.

I tucked my head between Alejandro's neck and shoulder after sighing quietly and decided to take a short nap until Uncle Marco got here with Vito.

It was quite comfortable in Alejandro's arms and lap, so I fell asleep within minutes but was woken up some time later.

"Luci." The person placed gentle kisses on my cheek.

I opened my eyes and met my uncle Marco's eyes, so I smiled lazily. "Hi, Uncle Marco."

"Hi, Luci." He kissed my head and held me as he walked around the room.

Uncle Marco always held me like he was cradling a baby, which is crazy since I was six feet tall but he was a foot taller than me...so I guess it made sense. But I think he also carried me that way since he can't hold Rocky or Vito like that anymore, and I was the shortest out of my cousins.

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