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A few days later...

"Look at all the food..."

"Not yet, Dino. Wait until dinner time." Dad glared at Dino, who whined and tried to reach over for a piece of ham but it was quickly smacked away.

"Fine!" Dino stomped away and Georgie and I 'oohed', the both of us glancing at Dad.

"Let me hear you say that again, Dino!"

Dino ran away and Dad shook his head. "Eddie, watch the food, please. Dino keeps attempting to steal it."

Eddie shook his head with a small smile. "Alright, Xavier."

"Thank you."

"Lucio, come outside and play soccer with us!" Vito pulled on my hand, but Dad quickly shook his head.

"It's too cold outside for him."

I rolled my eyes while Vito whined and begged my dad, but he didn't budge. Vito pulled Georgie away and left me on the counter to watch Dad, Bubba, and three of my uncles cook food.

It was Christmas Eve today, so we came over to Frankie's house for the day. So far, the ham and chicken was ready as well as the mashed potatoes, some delicious looking cheese and pesto casserole, and the bread rolls. A few other side dishes were being made as well as the desserts which Uncle Reece was working on with the help of Uncle Jace.

I was getting a bit hungry, but dinner wouldn't be ready for another hour or so. Because the food looked tempting, I hopped off the island stool and went to the living room where Papa and Romeo were cuddling as they watched tv.

"Papa, where's Dino?"

"He said he was going to the bathroom." He pointed near the stairs which was where the bathroom was, and I sat on the couch as I waited for him.

Once he came out, I grabbed his hand and sat on Papa's right side.

"Papa, Romeo, Dino, and I have a surprise for you, Dad, and Bubba for Christmas tomorrow."

Papa gave me a subtle glare. "You already know we don't get each other presents, Lucio."

"I know," I blushed a little, "but this present...I think the three of you will like it, plus it'll be making me happy too, so I'll be enjoying the surprise as well, Papa."

Romeo tucked his head below Papa's chin and stared at me with red cheeks.

"Alright, fine. But we did get some presents for Dino and Romeo since it's their first Christmas with us. It's only a few gifts, though." Papa said and I nodded.

"I'm excited for tomorrow, though. You, Dad, and Bubba will probably be surprised with the gift, but I know we'll enjoy it. I want Georgie to be there, too." I could already imagine how the day would go, but I had to think about something else so I wouldn't get too excited.

Papa hummed, and leaned over to kiss my head, then Dino's. "Well, we'll have to wait for tomorrow to see what our surprise is."

I nodded and Papa, Romeo, Dino, and I cuddled on the couch while watching tv.

An hour later, we were called to the kitchen since the food was ready. My cousins and brother were called in from the backyard and we got in line to serve ourselves the delicious and yummy looking food.

I grabbed a paper plate and put a little bit of ham, chicken, potato salad, and the cheese and pesto casserole. I grabbed my plastic utensils and we gathered around the table which was folded out to make a larger table that fit all of us.

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