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Regarding Qi Zheng, the heir to the richest man's family, the story is described in the original text:

[Qi Zheng, CEO of the Qi Group, ranked first in the ranking of the richest under 30 by Hurun. He has been ranked first in the list of the most wanted men to marry for five consecutive years. He has a cold personality and a vigorous and resolute style. He has been in a highly competitive family since he was a child. It stands out as the next heir to the Qi family's business empire tacitly approved by the head of the Qi family.]

Just looking at the text introduction may not be able to imagine how powerful the Qi family's power is, but when Qi Zheng finally found out that he had lost the most important dignity of a man, Qi Zheng just looked at the Wenxin photo on the entertainment news with no expression on his face. He said to his sincere subordinates:

"From today, I don't want to see this woman again."

The next day, all of Wen Xin's announcements and contracts were terminated.

Wen Xin went to the original company to discuss the matter, and the original company turned her away. Wen Xin wanted to change to a brokerage company, but no company in the circle dared to take over her. Wen Xin, who refused to admit defeat, even planned to launch a live broadcast to enter the anchor world but did not expect the live broadcast room to be closed after an hour.

Finally, someone told Wen Xin that it was Qi's prince that she offended, and she was desperately desperate, Wen Xin was ready to quit the entertainment industry and live a life of ordinary people.

However, the Qi family's tentacles have already extended to all aspects of life, finance, real estate, entertainment...the world is so big that there was no place to hear about it.

In all fairness, from the perspective of the original owner, the original owner was really wronged!

Although the original owner is indeed jealous of the heroine, she had done many things to frame the heroine.

But in the matter of sterilizing the cat, the original owner really didn't mean it.

After all, who would have thought that sterilizing a cat would result in the cat being the heir of the richest man's family, and a person who trembled in the entire financial circle?

With a single cut, Wen Xin turned out to be the enemy of the richest man!

No one believes this tortuous plot on the headline of UC!

But on the other hand, Wen Xin can also understand the actions of the boss.

If she was the heir to the richest man, she was suddenly cut off from the dignity of a man, let alone blocked, and she would have the heart to wish to kill the culprit.

Therefore, both parties are right, what is wrong is the author's shameless setting.

The question now is, under this setting, how can Wen Xin save himself?

——Tell the boss about sterilization that she was actually kept in the dark?

No, the assistant said that Wen Xin arranged the sterilization operation.

—— Quandang didn't know that this was a gangster, so treat him well in the future and influence him with sincere love?

No, if the boss is so easy to be probated, he is not a boss! Moreover, with such a big hatred, how much Wen Xin would have to pay to influence the boss, I am afraid that being a bull is not enough.

——Now I pack my luggage and run away, and fled to a small remote country. I don't believe that the Qi family's hands can stretch so long!

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