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Twenty minutes ago.

At the westernmost part of the film and television city, in a simulated grassland facing the crew of "Abandoned Concubine" was shooting a show.

The horses used were all real horses, which were transported by air from Inner Mongolia. Each horse had an excellent pedigree, and had been selected and trained for generations, and was equipped with a dedicated horse trainer. It stood to the reason that nothing will go wrong.

However, the accident happened.

In the process of moving, a horse was disturbed by a jeep speeding by the side of the road and it suddenly lost control.

Even if the horse trainer immediately took emergency measures, the horses were still in a mess. By coincidence, the woman who was sitting on a horse fell off.

A dozen horses passed by ruthlessly and cruelly trampled on the woman.

But the woman hadn't lost consciousness completely.

She endured the pain, awake with extremely strong willpower, and waited for the second when the agent arrived and explained: "If I can't wake up, remember to format my phone." Then, she passed out completely in a coma.

The crew was in a mess.

The young director who had witnessed everything stood dumbly in front of the camera, seemingly unable to believe what was happening before him.

It wasn't until the ambulance came quickly and the doctors and nurses used a stretcher to carry away the woman who was still talking and laughing in front of him for two minutes, that the director came back to his senses:

Chu Xi got hurt?

That omniscient, omnipotent Chu Xi, was actually injured?

ten minutes later.

Major media platforms pushed this news to the entire network:

【News! Chu Xi, unfortunately, fell into a coma after falling from a horse during filming and has now been sent to the Central Hospital for rescue. 】

Twenty minutes later.

#Chu Xi fell on her horse 

 # Chu Xi was injured

# Chu Xi was safe

All three phrases related to Chu Xi are on the hot search, and all the hot searches on the far right carry a bright red word 'news'.

In an instant, the first comment under this news broke 20,000.

Fans frantically swiped the screen and said that :

[this is not true.]

 [it is impossible.]

[I don't believe it.]

 However, the photos and videos on the scene spread quickly, and fans had to believe it.

The next period was the most rapid heat outbreak.

No matter what social platform you are, whether you care about the entertainment industry or not, everyone's homepage was swiped by the news of Chu Xi's accident. Even the serious official news media on weekdays reposted this news to express concern.

There is no doubt that this will be the most shocking entertainment news this year.

Even if there are still four full months before the end of the year.

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