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The little milk cat in front of me seems to be just a few days old, and even the blue film on his eyes has not faded.

Because Wenxin was not at home, it had to be temporarily placed in a cotton-filled cat litter by the Ocelot, but despite this, it was still barking cold, and kicking with weak calves.

Wen Xin looked at it and felt bad.

Such a small cat is very likely to die if it is not taken care of by the female cat. What's more, the various conditions of this little milk orange are in line with the description of Big Brother No. 4 in the book.

Gangster No. 4 is also a child of no age, only 14 years old.

After I became a cat, I became smaller, and I was born before the full moon.

Wen Xin no longer remembers how the original owner got this little milk cat, but she still remembered that because Big Brother No. 4 was a rural cat with no blood and was just born, the original owner was too lazy to raise it and asked the assistant to throw it away Got out.

But the assistant, Li Jingjing's sister, couldn't bear it, and secretly left the little milk cat.

And the vitality of this little milk orange was so stubborn that it was fed with milk by a novice Li Jingjing, and it didn't cause any problems. It gradually grew up.

The real identity of Xiaomaoju is a genius mathematics teenager who has won various awards at home and abroad.

As a young and mature, he actually had a lot of bumpy childhood experiences. His deeds were later reproduced into a movie, which was released at the same time at home and abroad. He became a dark horse at the box office that year and won several Oscars.

The original owner, himself, is very likely to participate in this project, but because of his previous actions, he was resolutely opposed by boss No. 4, and boss No. 4 was smooth and recommended the original owner's most annoying sister to the director.

Although he is only a child, because it is the prototype of the movie, from the director to the screenwriter are all his fans, so his opinions are taken seriously.

So the original owner's dream of entering the Hollywood market was shattered.

The original owner never dreamed that it would be because he had lost the cat, which led to the loss of the audition.


For Wen Xin, entering Hollywood is actually not that important.

The most important thing is that the little milk cat is now waiting to be fed, and Wen Xin can't ignore it.

Regardless of other things, Wen Xin hurriedly called Li Jingjing and asked her to buy baby cat milk powder and baby bottles at the nearest pet hospital.

Then, this cat litter is definitely not good.

Because the small milk cat is too small, even the cat litter is too spacious for it.

Wen Xin said nothing, picked up the Ocelot, and stuffed it into the cat litter. Little milk orange felt the temperature, and as expected, she ran over it automatically, and screamed, wanting to drink milk.

The ocelot's body stiffened, and his beige eyes were full of shock.

What do you think of me, Wen Xin?

Wen Xin said embarrassedly to him and said sorry: "Sorry, my third brother, you have to bear with me because my brother is so small."

"Meow meow?" Why am I, not a black cub, or a puppet?

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