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"What? How much did she eat?"

No wonder Li Jingjing was anxious, she was shocked when she heard her heart.

Chocolate has been instilled in Li Jingjing deliberately or unintentionally since she came across it, and it must not be fed to cats.

Because the theobromine in chocolate contains methylxanthine, it is harmless to humans, but once the cat eats it, it will have serious adverse reactions, ranging from diarrhea and vomiting, to convulsions and coma.

In particular, her sister is still a little milk cat who is just three months old, and her body is even weaker. If it's just a little bit, it's okay to say that once it exceeds the standard...

Wen Xin's heart tightened, and she quickly pushed open the door and ran to the puppet.

Unexpectedly, the puppet was not in danger like she imagined, and when she saw and heard anxiety, she even tilted her head, showing a puzzled and ignorant expression:

"Meow?" What's wrong?

"Ahhhhh! Sister, did you eat chocolate?"

Wen Xin shook the puppet's body violently.

It tastes good.

The little puppet stuck out her pink tongue and licked the corner of her mouth, her expression still full of meaning.

Wen Xin Yuguang glanced at the chocolate-colored "crime" left by the puppet's mouth, and almost fainted: "Spit it out, spit it out to me, the cat can't eat chocolate, it will die!"

"Um..." Not so exaggerated, right?

The little puppet blinked her eyes. Even if she committed a heinous crime, her simple and lovely appearance couldn't make people bear harshness.

But now is not the time to be fainted by beauty, Wen Xin's mind is very clear.

Judging from the scene, the chocolate has been eaten, and the puppet didn't mean to vomit at all. Now it doesn't make sense to blame Li Jingjing for not optimistic about the cat or blame the cat for being too greedy.

The most urgent task is to quickly send the cat to the pet hospital for gastric lavage.

If it is early, there may not be life-threatening.

Therefore, Wen Xin forced herself to calm down and directed Li Jingjing, who was already in a mess: "Jingjing, you should drive now and wait for me at the hotel entrance. My sister and I will arrive in five minutes. Let's go to the nearest pet hospital."

"Okay, I'm going now."

Li Jingjing knew that her mistake caused her sister's life to be in danger, and she blamed herself to die. After Wen Xin finished speaking, she ran away, abruptly out of the speed of the 800-meter test in middle school.

As for Wen Xin, she didn't say a word, and stuffed the dishonest puppet into his arms.

Then took the ID phone, turned off the light and closed the door, and called the cub next door-five minutes later, a family of four sat neatly on the black BYD.

"Sister Xinxin, how do you go?"

"I just searched it, and the nearest pet hospital is two kilometers away." Wen Xin called up the navigation and pointed to the right decisively: "Turn right and go straight."


Li Jingjing stepped on the accelerator, and the black BYD drove out of the hotel with a cry.

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