The Misunderstanding

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"I really am happy for you Alora, you deserve all the happiness coming your way

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"I really am happy for you Alora, you deserve all the happiness coming your way. And with that man of yours, you're bound to get a lot of it." My best friend smiles at me while sipping her coffee.

"Thank you Nova, that really means a lot. I just can't believe I'm getting married! It feels so surreal." I smiled to myself.

"Girl! That man is madly in love with you, I knew this was coming. The way he looks at you, is the way I look at Ryan Reynolds." She replies with a weird glint in her eye.

"Seriously Nova!" I snickered.

"What?! He is a fine piece of specimen." She says in a serious tone.

"Can't disagree with that." I said raising my coffee cup.

"Preach." Nova raises her cup to clink with mine. "So what are you doing for the rest of today?"

"Actually I'm gonna stop by Ronan's office to surprise him with some lunch." I replied.
"Which reminds me, I gotta get going, thanks for the coffee."

"You know, I'm starting to think you're only hanging with me on my break so you can get free coffee." She said her eyes going into slits.

"Perks of having a best friend who works in a coffee shop." I grinned at her gathering my things.

"Bitch bye! This friendship is over!" She replied dramatically walking back over to the counter.

"Love you, see you tomorrow." I laughed blowing a kiss at her.

I walked out the doors feeling the chill from the October air. Grateful that Ronan's office wasn't that far, I started making my way to him. Ronan always preferred my cooking, so I decided to make a home cooked meal and bring it to him. I usually brought him food during his lunch break. Knowing him, he's too busy working and not even thinking about eating.

Walking up to his office building, I greeted the doorman and made my way to the elevators. I pressed the 18th button, and waited patiently for the elevator to come down. Once I stepped in and the doors closed, I started to get an eerie feeling. I started feeling nervous and tried to push the feeling down.

While waiting for the elevator ride to come to an end, I stared at my distorted reflection in the silver doors. I wore some high waisted skinny jeans that hugged my curves and a brown ruched top that complemented my caramel skin, along with my nude heels that matched my handbag. My hair fell around my face in curls. I purposely wore these jeans to tease Ronan, seeing as they really accentuate my ass which he loves.

When the elevator doors opened I walked onto the floor, greeting and smiling at everyone who walked by. Seeing his assistant's desk empty. I walked up to the my fiancé's office door seeing the familiar name sign Ronan Jackson.

I knocked the door lightly not wanting the be too loud. I heard muffled speaking behind the door and quickly stopped knocking. Afraid I was interrupting an important meeting. I dropped my free hand, still holding the bag with food in the other. Turning around I see his assistant walking off the elevator with a McDonald's bag.

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