The Job

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Two weeks passed since my visit with Ronan

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Two weeks passed since my visit with Ronan. We haven't spoken or ran into each other since then.

That visit only brought forth what I've been stuffing down for the past four and a half years. I still loved Ronan. Every part of my being still yearned for him. I know I'm being selfish and a hypocrite but I just want to make things right.

I don't know how he still has this huge effect on me. It just feels like unfinished business. Well unfinished feelings actually. Kind of like when you're in college and you fall in love with someone and suddenly they move away, and you're forced to break up because the distance is too much while trying to focus on your studies,then you guys run into each other after you've finished school.

I won't try and force anything but if he's willing to explore something with us, then I'll be happy, but if not then we can just be friends.

Lou and I were finally out of the hotel. We moved into our new apartment a week and a half ago. It wasn't a big move because all we had was our suitcases with clothes and our important documents. Plus the apartment came furnished.

It's been a little over a week since Lou has been working with Kian. They seem to really get along in the workplace and outside the workplace. They've been spending a lot of time together recently. I'm happy for her because she's never really had a serious relationship before, just sex and that was it. She claimed she didn't want anyone getting close to her just for them to break her heart. So, if there was something to blossom from them I'm glad it was Kian. He's really charming and doesn't carry a shitty dating track record.

I spoke with Kian recently about his job offer. I told him that I was interested in being Ronan's personal assistant seeing that he didn't have one. At first he was confused because the first time I refused. In the end he helped me and told me a date and time to be at the company.

That's what I'm getting ready for right now. I knew I was qualified for the job but my nerves were just worried that I wouldn't get the job because of the conflict of interest. Many people at the company knew who I was. It would be weird that his ex fiancé would be his PA.

I ignored the feeling and got dressed. I chose a black shirt with a beige blazer and the pants to match. I combed through my hair and pulled it in a bun. Once I was satisfied with my look I put on my black flats, grabbed my keys and quickly threw them in my black handbag.

I met my Uber driver outside, and he managed to get me to the company in ten minutes. I stood outside the tall building staring up at the sign Q&H enterprise. I felt the nerves bubbling in stomach. I looked down at my watch and saw it was 9:18am, Kian told me to be here at 9:30. I decided to check in ten minutes early.

I walked over to the receptionist. I cheered internally when I saw it was a different person from four years ago.

"Hi, good morning I'm Alora Allison-" I was cut off

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