The Announcement

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⚠️ Warning Sexual Content Ahead ⚠️

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⚠️ Warning Sexual Content Ahead ⚠️

The following days were hectic, I was meeting a bunch of potential employees. So far, I was almost done hiring people. The only departments that needed people was HR and finance. I also went ahead and hired a few designers as well to help with the designs.

With the team I hired, we were able to tackle the orders that we received in a timely matter. I just couldn't believe that last week I was an assistant and now I'm a CEO of my own company. Everything was coming together nicely. I was even thinking about opening a few stores locally and maybe branch out to other states. I was getting way too ahead of myself though.

It was now December and I needed to figure out if I wanted to move to a bigger space or just stay where I was. Since it's been six months, I need to start paying rent starting next month, and with Luana moving out, I need to make a decision fast.

"What are you thinking about babygirl?" Ronan asks. We were at his house lounging on his couch, I was sitting up and his head was in my lap.

"I'm trying to figure out if I should move or renew my rental agreement since Luana's moving out. I'm not sure though," I said playing in his hair.

"I've been meaning to ask you this but I didn't wanna scare you off, but what do you say we move in together?" He asked looking hopeful.

"You could never scare me off love. Are you sure though?" I asked biting my lip.

"I've never been sure of anything in my life, I love you Lora, you're it for me." He says reaching up to peck my lips.

I started smiling like a madwoman.

"Yes, let's do it." I say

"Okay great, I kinda have another surprise for you," He says looking sheepish.

"Seriously Ronan, you've got to stop with the spoiling, I might get used to it."

"That's the plan, I love spoiling my babygirl." He smiles. "Now go get dressed."

I ran upstairs and put on some warm clothes seeing as it was cold outside. I let my hair down so it could cover my ears and neck. I threw on my jacket and met Ronan downstairs.

"Ready." I say as I neared him. He kissed my forehead and took me to the car.

Ronan was now driving to the unknown location. He kept his mouth shut about where we were going. About fifteen minutes later we pulled up to a neighborhood just outside the city. Ronan parked the car and I got out the car looking very confused.

He walked over to a modern contemporary style house and I followed him. He took out a pair of keys and opened the door.

This home was beautiful, high ceilings, open concept, the backyard was beautiful. It had a nice pool and seating area. Ronan took me on a tour of the house. It was absolutely beautiful.

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