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"I can't believe we just did that, I'm so happy though" I smiled looking at my husband

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"I can't believe we just did that, I'm so happy though" I smiled looking at my husband.

Yep, we tied the knot this morning at the courthouse.

"Better believe it Mrs. Jackson," Ronan says snaking his arms around my waist.

After we left the hospital yesterday, we went and spoke with Ronan's parents. We explained that it just wouldn't make sense for a wedding and to my surprise they thought the same. They were really supportive and decided to be our witnesses when we went to the courthouse this morning.

Grace and Howard are set to fly out next week to continue their traveling.

"I love you husband," I smirked.

"Mm, it's so good to hear you say that. Say it again."

"I love you boyfriend," I teased.

Ronan picked me up and started spinning me around and tickling me.

"Alright, alright. I love you husband." I say between laughter.

"That's more like it babygirl. You're finally my wife," He says putting me down and looking at me, his eyes twinkling.

Just then the doorbell rings, I was about to walk to the door but Ronan beat me to it. I stretched my neck to see who it was but instead I saw a box on the floor and the Amazon truck driving off.

My package is here!

I ran to Ronan and grabbed the box and brought it to our living room. I ripped it open as Ronan was standing by my side. I pulled out the nerf guns and assembled them and loaded the nerf shots. I looked back Ronan to see his eyebrows raised, then he started smirking.

He was quick, he grabbed one of the nerf guns and rolled over the couch and started shooting at me.

This is exactly what I bought them for.

I laughed and grabbed mine and grabbed the ammo belt and threw one to Ronan. I ran over to the kitchen and ducked by the island. I peeked my head out and was immediately shot in the face by Ronan. I groaned and started shooting in his direction.

I missed every shot.

I heard footsteps coming my direction and I creeped around the side and took off to the staircase. As I'm running over I hear Ronan's footsteps hot on my trail, nerf bullets flying in my direction. I twist my body in his direction and began shooting at him. A satisfying grin on my face as I saw some of my shots hitting him.

I ran up the stairs and into one of our side closets that held our towels. I didn't see or hear Ronan, so I stood still. A minute or so later I see his shadow walking past the closet, I waited until he passed the door to open it and started firing.

I opened the door and jumped out but Ronan wasn't there. I was so confused until I felt nerf darts hitting me in my back. I turned to see a smirking Ronan. I stomped my feet in frustration and Ronan fell over in laughter.

We continued playing until we got tired and took a nap.

When I woke up, it was in the afternoon and Ronan's arm was draped over me. I rubbed my eyes and looked at my phone and saw it was five in the afternoon. I saw that Luana had texted me.

'Where did you go to get your other implant? I can't risk anymore kids 🙄'

'What do you mean other implant?' I texted back.

'You didn't change it out yet? Let me know when you're going so I can come with you and get one'

What is this girl talking about, why would I need a new one?

'Why would I need a new one? I'm not changing it out until this one expires'

'Alora it's been more than five years since you had that implant, 5 years and two months to be exact. I thought you had it changed already'

I didn't reply after that, I had to think for a minute.

Oh shit!

She's right! I had went with her back in Nass to get the implant so help with my period and horrendous cramps. That was five years ago in May. It's now July.


I mean that doesn't mean anything right? I can't be pregnant.

Oh who am I kidding, Ronan and I have been going at it like rabbits, so there could be a possibility. We just fucked before we went to bed for god sakes.

But I didn't have any symptoms.

I needed to know for sure.

I slowly peeled Ronan's arm off me and got dressed to quickly to run to the pharmacy. I was careful not to wake him. I walked over to our garage and grabbed one of Ronan's keys and drove to the nearest pharmacy.

I grabbed two different kinds of test, paid and made my way back home. I parked the car in the garage and went upstairs. I peeked in our bedroom and Ronan was still sleeping. I went to the bathroom down the hall, not wanting to go in our conjoined bathroom in case he woke up.

I closed the door and peed in a plastic cup. I opened all the tests and dipped them in the cup for five seconds before I pulled them out.

I had gotten a digital one and the ones with just the lines. Two came in each pack so I had four tests. I sat on the toilet seat waiting for these dreadful three minutes to end.

If I was pregnant, I wonder how Ronan would react? He did seem a bit uncomfortable yesterday when he was holding Kaia but then he warmed up to her at the end. I just started my company, not even a year yet.

Isn't it too soon to think about kids? Me and Ronan just got married today for fucks sake. This is all too much.

The three minutes were up and I sat on the toilet seat not moving. After about five minutes I reluctantly got up and walked over to the sink where I had placed the tests. I looked at all the test and cringed.

Isn't this ironic and cliche, finding out I'm pregnant the day I get married.

The word pregnant shows up on the two digital test while the two lines on the standard test were very faint, but they were still there. I didn't even know what to think right now.

"Fuck! I'm pregnant." I whispered as I threw my head back.

"You're pregnant?!?" I turned to see a shirtless Ronan standing by the door with wide eyes.



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