The Return

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I walked alongside the shore, feeling the sand between my toes, my sandals in my hand

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I walked alongside the shore, feeling the sand between my toes, my sandals in my hand. My shift had just finished at the SeaSide Bar and Grill. A small restaurant that resides on the side of the beach. I loved working here, you get to meet a lot of different people while getting to enjoy the breathtaking ocean views.

It's been almost five years since the incident happened. Not one day goes by without my mind running on Ronan. I always wondered how he was doing, or if he had finally taken over the company as CEO.

Before I left New York, Ronan was the COO of his father's company. His younger brother was the CFO at that time as well. Ronan was supposed to take over for his father once he deemed him suitable. I always wondered if it happened yet, but I refused to search it up. I've been forcing myself not to care, but deep down I know that I will always care for Ronan.

"Alora! Wait up!" I was startled from my thoughts when I heard my name being called. "What's got you all in ya head girlie?" My coworker/best friend Luana asked as she reached up to me.

"Hey Lou, you know the usual 'Home'." I replied and she smiled at me.

"And by home, you mean Ronan?" She said with a glint in her eye, knowing me all too well. I sighed.

I met Luana during my first week here in the Bahamas. We met here on this same beach after I got settled in my new apartment. The beach wasn't very far away from where I lived, as a matter of fact, you could see the beach from my place.

I came to the beach exploring, hoping that I could wash away my sadness. I was walking along the shore reminiscing on the times me and Ronan had, then about what went down a week prior when I bumped into a girl around my age carrying drinks on a tray.

"Watch where you're going!" She yelled at me angrily, I jumped.

"I'm so sorry, I-I..." I looked at her seeing her eyes soften. I didn't finish speaking before I ran off, tears streaming down my face. I hadn't even noticed I was crying.

"Hey! What's wr-" she stopped seeing I had run away. I heard her groan before she took off running after me. "Hey! Stop running."

I came to a stop and looked at her. She had these beautiful kind brown eyes that made the corner of my lips tug upward. We had small talk, and she made me laugh. She was really genuine and I ended up explaining everything that had happened prior to me coming here. She listened and comforted me. After that day we became best of friends and she helped me get a job at Seaside Bar and Grill.

"Ahh, you know me well Lou." I said confirming that I was thinking about Ronan.

"Well you know, you might see him soon," She says, her normally teasing and joking tone now serious.

"What do you mean?" My head turning to look at her.

"You know the hurricane that we've been advised about a few weeks back?" she asked. I nodded my head biting my lip waiting for her to continue.

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