Chapter 2 A Morning Jog

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Midoriya slowly awoke to his alarm. Swiftly turning it off before sitting up to avoid falling asleep again.

"Morning already?" Midoriya mumbled to himself standing up fully. He had spent a large portion of his night unable to sleep, math problems long finished and nothing to block the thoughts of Uraraka that he obsessed over earlier that day.

His alarm was set an hour earlier than even Iida awoke. Simply so he could go on his morning run and get exercise before his day. He thought about just sleeping the extra hour because of how tired he felt but decided against it. Thinking that his routine in the long run would be more important. He didn't want to fall out of it.

Midoriya got dressed in some green sweatpants and a plain white shirt before leaving his room to the common area.

Once he arrived at the empty and silent common room he headed toward the kitchen with the intention to get some water before he headed out. He arrived only to be surprised by ironically Iida sitting in a chair at the main island downing a cup of orange juice.

"Iida-san?" Midoriya half yelled in shock before quickly covering his mouth to prevent waking his classmates.

Iida choked on his orange juice at the frankly loud calling of his name. He sputtered a few times and looked at the now horrified teenager next to him

"Iida-san I am so sorry! A-are you ok?" Midoriya exclaimed, walking over to the engine quirk user. Iida cleared his throat before speaking.

"Ah, Midoriya-san. Yes I am quite alright. Are you about to go on your morning run?" Iida replied calmly

Midoriya sighed in relief at the reassurance he did in fact not kill his friend. "Yep, that's the plan" Midoriya said walking to the fridge. Grabbing a water bottle and turning to Iida he added "Why are you up this early Iida-san?"

Iida got up, walked to the sink and washed his cup out. "Well I woke up far before my normal alarm and decided to utilize my early waking to join you in running this morning. If that is alright with you." Iida replied, drying his newly clean cup.

"I don't have any issues with that. Let's leave so we can get back before classes to get breakfast." Midoriya immediately responded, getting a second bottle for Iida and handing it to him. Iida gratefully took it before nodding and beginning to leave the kitchen. Midoriya followed quickly.

The boys stopped at the door to realize that it was drizzling outside. His phone helpfully told him the rain would not escalate past that and Midoriya personally loved running in this weather because of how it felt so he opted to continue with the run. After Iida agreed they left Heights Alliance and started silently and briskly jogging along the path that connected all of the dormitories.

Midoriya's thoughts unintentionally drifted to what was occupying his time last night. Trying again to understand what was going on within his brain.

A thought crossed his mind. An idea that was so strange but yet made so much sense that he accidentally started jogging faster.

Did he like her? Did he like Ochako Uraraka? A light crimson covered his face as he continued to jog. He had to admit, it would make sense. Talking to her made his heart race and he wouldn't be caught without a blush near her. But at the same time he had no clue if a crush was truly what he was feeling.

He had never had a crush in his entire life. Sure he thought some girls were pretty but his lack of a social life kept him from speaking to them. He had many other things to worry about back then anyways. He was so hellbent on becoming a hero he had never considered girls something to focus on.

But now that he was becoming what he yearned for and found common interest with women his age could he be developing feelings for someone? Scratch that, for Uraraka? He would have to think more on this.

"oriya-san? Midoriya-san slow down!" Iida yelled behind Midoriya. In his thoughts he had completely forgotten his surroundings and had at some point broken into a full on sprint. Midoriya blinked hard before slowing down to a stop. He put his hands on his knees so he could breath, having lost his breath while sprinting.

Iida jogged to the breathless Midoriya in exasperation. He had been calling out to him to slow down as he hadn't stretched before the jog and Iida did not want Midoriya to hurt himself. He for an entire minute had been unsuccessful. Now he was worried for his friend.

Midoriya stopped Iida before he could ask if he was alright with his palm in a stop motion in front of him. "S-s-sorry Iida-san! I'm ok I just spaced out is all" Midoriya said looking up at Iida before standing up fully. Water dripping off of his curly locks.

Iida looked at the recovering teen with remaining worry before accepting Midoriya's answer. "Alright, if you say so Midoriya-san" Iida said with a hint of confusion.

Midoriya gave a reassuring smile, turned and started jogging at a normal pace alongside Iida once again in silence. This time he would make sure he wouldn't 'space out' like that again on this jog. He started thinking about his later training that day. It was promised they would do battle training. Of what kind he wondered.

Suddenly Iida spoke up. "I actually wanted to ask you about something, Midoriya-san. We have never gotten the chance to speak alone so I have not asked." Midoriya looked at him curiously. "Do you have feelings for Uraraka-san?" Iida asked, looking to his side at Midoriya.

Midoriya expected many things. He was an analytical person. Once Iida asked to join him on his run, Midoriya thought of a million things that could be talked about and a million things that could happen. This wasn't even in the realm of possibility he was going off of. Frankly he was completely thrown off by this comment.

"I-I don't... Why a-are you asking?" Midoriya responded, getting quieter as he went on. His thoughts racing a mile a minute trying to even find an answer to Iida's question.

Iida laughed lightly, looking forward again as they turned a corner. "It is quite alright Midoriya-san! It is normal for people our age to experience feelings towards our fellow classmates. I was just curious after seeing the way you act around Uraraka-san specifically." Midoriya suddenly seemed to find the ground under him incredibly interesting, as he stared so intently at it.

After Midoriya stayed silent for a while Iida added "You do not need to answer my question Midoriya-san. Do not worry! I will say no more on the subject!". Iida looked at Midoriya while chopping his hand in quick succession.

Somehow Midoriya managed to laugh at his blue haired friends' shenanigans. "Thank you Iida-san, I appreciate it." Midoriya said, throwing in his trademark smile.

Iida smiled back and faced forward once again. "Anytime Midoriya."

The two boys continued their run in comfortable silence.


Hello again my Wattpad lads! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I do have plans for how I want this story to go. I really like the idea of Iida not using shortened versions of words to stay as formal as possible like saying 'isn't' like 'is not' so I am going to stick with that.

I think I am slowly, but surely! Getting my writing style down. I am really enjoying making this. After two years of reading so many amazing pieces of fiction I am really excited to throw my own out there! Please let me know of any mistakes I made here and of any criticism!

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